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Next day:


I wake up a grand total of 4 minutes before my alarm, so what do I do? you already know I rolled over and tried to sleep for those precious 4 minutes.

After finally dragging my lazy ass out of bed, I walk out into the tiny kitchen that my hotel provided me with, making a coffee and turning on Riverdale on the TV.

I look at my phone and see that the girls are going to be arriving in LA at 10am or so, and that they wanted me to pick them up.

Looking at the time I realised that it was already 9:15 and that if I wanted to be anywhere in the vicinity of the airport by 10 then I should have left 5 minutes ago. Love that for me...

Throwing a sweatshirt over my dress, I grabbed the keys to my rental car and rushed out my door.

Time skip to the airport lol

I managed to arrive at the airport just as Gabbie's flight landed, tate and christina were supposed to be getting there any minute after. How I managed to make up all of the lost time you ask? Well... im not too sure, all I know is that I definitely broke the law at least 5 times in the process. It's fine.

I hear someone call my name and look up to see a kinda short, extremely pretty, very familiar face running towards me, bags in tow.

Gabbie collides into me, knocking us both to the ground and scaring the shit out of a baby next to us.

"oh my god its so good to finally meet you!!!" I exclaim

"I know right!?! Im so excited!!" she replied, just as excitedly "now where are the other two? Im tryna go see my man"

"hahaha of course you are" I reply playfully "they should be here and min-"

Im abruptly cut off by the sound of a very high pitched "ahhh its liv!!!!" coming from the arrivals terminal.

I turn to see both Tate and Christina running over, and a huge smile breaks out on my face "oh speak of the devil" gabbie remarks

"the devil? I hope you don't mean me!" replies tate.

"of course not... I would never..." she says sarcastically, laughing at the same time

"right well as much as I love this little get together, I would really like to go shower, go to the beach and say I to bean!" christina interrupts

"why of course, allow me to escort you to your transport" I say, whilst attempting to mimic a posh british accent

"why thankyou kind sir" she replies, in an equally terrible accent.

Another time skip to arriving back at the hotel

"you know liv? You should really consider moving here permanently"

We had been talking about how much I was disliking it back home and the girls were trying to help me deal with it. So far we have either move to America or stay on holiday in America.

"yeah I don't know... it would be really expensive and im kinda broke at the moment"

"im sure you have some talent that you could pursue to gain an income" suggested tate

"well I mean I can sing a bit, but I don't know..."

"yes omg surely you stay here, become famous for music and then date daniel"

"and the dating daniel is relavant to this how?"

"oh come on you guys would be cute af!!" christina pipes up

"oh yes 100%" now all of them were trying to convince me to write a song, date daniel and move to LA... what has my life come to??

she's about to meet all of the ahhhh I'm so pumped!!

started with an elevator • DJSWhere stories live. Discover now