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liked by oliviagrace, jonahmarais and 896,570 others

seaveydaniel: the best people are met in faulty elevators am I right? @oliviagrace

Jonahmarais: so this is the girl that made you late... I see you

Username: wait who even is this?

Hater1: she not even pretty what do you mean?

               Seaveydaniel: you blind bro?

Username: oh ok Daniel, we see you

Username: lowkey ship it aha

Oliviagrace: can't believe you deadass took a picture because you were staring at me ahaha

                          Seaveydaniel: can you blame me though?

                          Corbynbesson: ok Daniel keep it in your pants

username: omg Corbyn I can't!!!

*@jonahmarais has started following you*

*@corbynbesson has started following you*

*@imzachherron has started following you*

*@jackaverymusic has started following you*

I watched as my following count jumped from 1,256 to 10,347 in less than 10 minutes

'screw Daniel and his famous band'

Daniels POV

"yo Daniel is this the chick you were talking about?" Jonah called out

"oo have we found the pretty girl from the hotel?" jack exclaimed whilst running into the room

"no we didn't find her, dani boy over here tagged her in a post" Corbyn joined the conversation

"well that was a dumb move on your part wasn't it" stated Zach

"do we really have to have this conversation right now?" Daniel rolled his eyes "and don't call me dani boy thanks"

Corbyn just laughed "ok fine by me giraffe

"get fucked Corbyn"

"oi don't change the subject buddy" Jonah smiled

"ok fine"

"fine what?" asked Zach

"fine maybe that's the girl"

"great! I'm gonna go follow her right now!!"

"no please don- "

"too late"

"for god's sake I give up on all of you" Daniel groaned

"that's what we're here for bro" stated Jack from his position on the couch.

ok so I just made the executive decision that from now on 

Olivia will be played by Ellie Thumann (picture in chapter)

I will probably do a face claim for any new characters that I make up myself :)


started with an elevator • DJSWhere stories live. Discover now