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We leave my house at around about 2:30, packing all of our things and getting into the car, Christina driving since I have no idea how to get anywhere except for the airport and my hotel. We love a clueless tourist.

We arrive at the beach and see all of the boys already there, Jack and Zach play fighting in the water, Jonah acting like a dad with his massive hat and sunnies, Corbyn looking at something on his phone and Daniel just chilling.

"someone remind me why I'm dating that child again!?"

"because he git you pregnant so now you have no choice??" Tate pipes up

"wait you're pregnant?! Since when?! And when was I gonna learn this?" I reply

"well I was going to tell you but" gabbie is cut off by jack running up the sand and grabbing her by the waist spinning her around "hey babe, what you talking about all serious over here?"

"Gabriella here was just informing me as to why I did not know she was pregnant" I reply sassily

"oh right that. Yeah I told her not to say anything in case you exposed it to the world. Were tryna keep it quiet you know?" jack says whilst smiling

"oh shit that makes sense" I exclaim "im so sorry for snapping at you" I say turning to Gabbie

"its fine hun honestly, but please stop swearing around the child!" she says whilst laughing

"shit yeah I'm sorry! Wait sorry for that as well! ah I'm so bad!!"

My petty excuses are interrupted when I hear ,y name being called from behind me

I turn around to see a very excited daniel running towards me.

In the most cliché of ways I start running too, launching myself into his arms, sending us both into the sand.

"woah hi, I didn't know you like me this much!"

"oh shut it seavey" I reply whilst blushing madly

"nah I don't think I will"

I just roll my eyes

"you look cute when you blush" he whispers in my ear before walking away to talk to Jonah.

I get up off of the ground to be met with a very excired squeal from Tate and Christina

"girl! What was that!!??" they both exclaim

"what? That was nothing" I reply, once again blushing madly

"bullshit! You like him" Christina states

"nuh uh I do not" I say looking at the ground "I've literally met him twice and face times him once"

"you still like him" they both say simultaneously before looking at each other and bursting out laughing


It was now almost 8pm, the sun was starting to go down and everyone was just sitting around, about to play a game of truth or dare

"so, daniel, truth or dare?" christina asked with a slightly evil look on her face

"oh uh... truth I guess" he replied

"ooh ok... if you could would you date liv?"

"CHRISTINA!!!" I exclaimed

"no its fine" daniel reassured me "honestly, I don't know her that well" my heart started to sink a little "but yeah from what I've seen I would"

I look up at him smiling and he just smiles back

"aaahhh yes I knew it!!" Tate exclaims

Everyone just laughs

"alright my turn" daniel says "zach truth or dare?"

"Dare I aint no pussy"

"ok I dare you to go into the ocean in all of your clothes"

"ha that's easy" he remarks before running into the water, exclaiming about the cold and running back out

what's going to happen next??

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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