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We had been stuck in the elevator for around 15 minutes, and my breathing was slowly speeding up, my chest beginning to tighten and my head feeling very dizzy.

"hey, are you ok?" Daniel questioned

I just weakly nodded my head

"no you're not" he replied, and I felt myself being pulled into a hug, and even in my very dazed state, I could tell that he gave really good hugs!

"it'll all be ok, I promise" he whispered into my ear

"I know"

We then proceeded to call the emergency services and inform them of our situation, to which they said that they would be there shortly

Daniels POV

I had been running very late that morning, and was standing in the elevator that I thought was taking me to the ground floor to meet the boys when I heard a girl's voice

"...pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen"

Is it bad that I didn't even notice she was in here with me until then? Probably. Not that I'm complaining, she's literally gorgeous

"what's not supposed to happen?" I replied

We soon found out that the elevator had stopped moving and we were stuck. I also found out that her name was liv and she was scared of elevators.

It had been about 15 minutes and I could see her getting more and more shaken up

Without really considering my actions I hugged her

'Daniel what the actual fuck are you doing right now?' I asked myself 'you don't go around hugging random pretty girls'

After calling the cops to get us out, we both sat back down, and she leaned her head against my shoulder

"thank you for being in here" she softly spoke

"I'm just glad your panic attack is over now"

I then felt her rest her head on my shoulder, and I'm just going to say, it made my heart do a little thing

Liv's POV

Why did I do that? I really don't know. But Daniel didn't seem to mind so I didn't bother moving.

I looked up to see his blue eyes staring down at me

"take a picture it'll last longer" I slyly said

he just rolled his eyes before reaching into his pocket and taking out his phone

"ok then" he said jokingly before taking a picture of me

"hey I didn't mean actually!" I exclaimed

"too late" he replied whilst laughing

*time skip 20 minutes coz I'm lazy*

The fire brigade people finally arrived, fixing the elevator and getting us out.

"ok well, I guess I'll see you around" I said to Daniel

"yeah I guess so, it was nice meeting you"

I turned and began walking in the other direction before I heard someone call out to me

"wait, could I maybe get your number?"

It was Daniel

I turned around surprised and replied "no you can't, but I guess you could follow me on Instagram" I replied

"playing hard to get, are we? I see how it is. But ok I guess that will do"

I then get a notification

*@seaveydaniel started following you*

I quickly followed him back and continued with my day

so hi people who actually read this (probs no one but its fine)

can y'all let me know if this is dragging on too long. like if you want me to move it on faster bc I can definitely do that :)

started with an elevator • DJSWhere stories live. Discover now