Purple purv's punishment part 1

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User names

Kirishima: dick-joke

Bakugou: lord-explosion-murder

Midoriya: smol-bean

Kaminari: pika-pika

Todoroki: icy-hot

Momo: MOMo

Mina: bubblegum-bitch

Uraraka: uravity

Tsuyu: kermits-sister

Hagakure: spirit

Tokoyami: goth-squads-bird-man

Iida- iidad

Jiro: earphones

Mineta: purple-purv

Aoyama: sparkles

Shoji: scary-Kakashi

Sero: flex-tape

Koda: owo-uwu-owo

Ojiro: tailed-ninja

Sato: super-diabetes

Toshinori: I-AM-HERE

Aisawa: I-need-sleep


Nemuri: hottest-hero

Dick-joke: thanks aisawa

I-need-sleep: for what

Dick-joke: for letting bakugou and I beat the shit out of that purple purv piece of homophobic trash

I-need-sleep: that's not even the best bit

Dick-joke: wdym

I-need-sleep: everyone was tired of it constantly sexually harassing the female students and nemi so we expelled it

Lord-explosion-murder: that fucking homophobic shit deserves fucking death fucking hanging would fucking work fucking poison would be better

I-need-sleep: calm it bakugou anyway his last day is tomorrow.

Bubblegum-bitch has kicked purple-purv from the group chat

Presentation-Michal: I was gonna do that myself but anyway I am so glad he did not find out yo secret sho

I-need-sleep: I am really fucking glad as well considering the fact that you know what happened last week

Presentation-Michal: so that's why you were like that last week

I-need-sleep: yeah and we should probably stop talking about this before you know who would do you know what

Bubblegum-bitch: you gays are hiding something from us

Iidad: I'm not spilling the tea I'll let aisawa and Yamada say if they want to

Presentation-Michal: I'm not saying it's down to you sho

I-need-sleep: fuck

I-need-sleep added I-need-sleep-2.0

Presentation-Michal: Hitoshi shinsou give yo father his phone back

I-need-sleep-2.0: he does have it back

I-need-sleep: meet the newest member of the class you little shits and Hitoshi don't you fucking dare tell them about you know what linking to you know what last week

I-need-sleep-2.0: sure

I-need-sleep: good if you do your grounded

Presentation-Michal: have you all heard the song gay bar by electric six

Pika-pika: all of the bakusquad have heard it

Spirit: all of the girl squad have heard it

Sparkles: the girl squad includes: bakugou, momo,Mina, uraraka,tsuyu,hagakure,jiro and me

Super-diabetes: bakugou is in the girl squad that is so surprising I never would have guessed

Bubblegum-bitch: bakugou is better at doing makeup than me and have you seen his sass and swag that man is also a beast when it comes to heels

Spirit: sometimes I even question wether he is even a male he can be that feminine

Lord-explosion-murder: I take that as a compliment as part of both the Baku and girl squad I am also not afraid to say that I do wear makeup to class

Dick-joke: I am pretty sure everyone has heard the song

Smol-bean: even I have heard the song

Icy-hot: that is all of the dekusquad have heard

owo-uwu-owo: (*-*)

Lord-explosion-murder: I did not fucking expect that from you ('_') (o_o)

owo-uwu-owo: (∩_∩) (/^▽^)/ o(^▽^)o ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Lord-explosion-murder:(C_C) ( ̄^ ̄) (●__●) ( ̄ー ̄) ヽ(#'Д')ノ O| ̄|_ 

Presentation-Michal: I don't know you could speak the language of koda

Lord-explosion-murder: well I can I'm bilingual I can speak fluent in Japanese, sign, 'koda', french and mandarin and almost English

Dick-joke: why french

Lord-explosion-murder: some of my cousins live in France and I have to translate for my family when they come over to japan

Pika-pika: understandable

Iidad: anyway why did you ask if we know the song gay bar

I-need-sleep: hizashi came up with the idea to make the rape grapes last day hellish by turning the classroom into a PG 13 gay bar which means no kinky(a/n: if you watch presto productions you should get it if you don't watch their YouTube and find out)

Lord-explosion-murder: all of you fuckers get over to my dorm early tomorrow or just sleep over I am going to give you all makeovers

Dick-joke: FUCK YEAH

I-need-sleep: have fun with your sleep over I will decorate the classroom and make it gay if any of you shits have flags/banners/anything lgbt that we can use bring it tomorrow early or just dump it in my room

Lord-explosion-murder: all of you fuckers get to my room now I have too much stuff to carry by myself and I also have to take down everything in my room because of this plan

Flex-tape: what does your room actually look like I haven't been in there before

Lord-explosion-murder: one word GAY

Dick-joke: what he means by that is pride flags as wallpaper rainbow pride rugs as a carpet he has a mini fridge in his room which is rainbow and says PRIDE and LOVE WINS on it he bedding says equality in white with what is meant to look like paint in a rainbow dripping with a black background and he has a wall to wall rainbow cabinate full of makeup with the bottom shelf for rainbow heels he has paintings all over one wall all lgbt and his closet door is rainbow

Lord-explosion-murder: and this is why I need everyone in my dorm to help shift all of this to aisawa's room so I can get started matching foundation to your skin tones and also if none of you fuckers have pride outfits use some of mine half of my closet is filled with them the other half is normal clothes
A/N: there will be parts to this chapter the next one would be part 2 and when this is published I would be writing the next part because this chapter has to be my favourite so far

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