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User names

Kirishima: dick-joke

Bakugou: lord-explosion-murder

Midoriya: smol-bean

Kaminari: pika-pika

Todoroki: icy-hot

Momo: MOMo

Mina: bubblegum-bitch

Uraraka: uravity

Tsuyu: kermits-sister

Hagakure: spirit

Tokoyami: goth-squads-bird-man

Iida- iidad

Jiro: earphones

Mineta: purple-purv

Aoyama: sparkles

Shoji: scary-Kakashi

Sero: flex-tape

Koda: owo-uwu-owo

Ojiro: tailed-ninja

Sato: super-diabetes

Toshinori: I-AM-HERE

Aisawa: I-need-sleep


Nemuri: hottest-hero

Shinsou: I-need-sleep-2.0


Pika-pika: sometimes I like to be run around and throw glitter at random people

Smol-bean: why Kaminari

Pika-pika: I get a handful of glitter and poof

Pika-pika: you are gay now

Tailed-ninja: who is strait here

Pika-pika: sometimes they resist


Pika-pika: but I let them know I am your fairy gay mother

Pika-pika: I have just birthed you

Scary-kakashi: what

Pika-pika: you will polish my dildos AND YOU WILL LIKE IT

Owo-uwu-owo: owo owo uwu owo

Pika-pika: and they never question me

Sparkles: ✨✨✨gay™️✨✨✨

Bubblegum-bitch: this is from TikTok who here has TikTok and know this

Sparkles: master gave dobby a dick

Owo-uwu-owo: owo owo owo owo uwu owo

Sparkles: dobby is gay

Bubblegum-bitch: so you have TikTok aoyama what's your name


Pika-pika: you know my TikTok


I-need-sleep: his TikTok is hizashi yamada with this picture

I-need-sleep: his TikTok is hizashi yamada with this picture

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Presentation-Michael: aisawa has TikTok his is the.sleep.deprived.snacc I made the username btw but he has this picture

snacc I made the username btw but he has this picture

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Bubblegum-bitch: how does that turn into this

I-need-sleep: I put effort into how I look sometimes

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I-need-sleep: I put effort into how I look sometimes

Presentation-Michael: you think that looks good wait until you see him when he fought a villain with a time reversing quirk taking him back to when he looked like a girl before he started T

I-need-sleep: you kept a picture

Presentation-Michael: you said take a picture it would last longer so of course I kept the picture

Presentation-Michael: you said take a picture it would last longer so of course I kept the picture

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Bubblegum-bitch: he was so cute as a girl

I-need-sleep: I don't know how to feel knowing that my student called me cute as a girl

Owo-uwu-owo: (^ _ ^)/ (^-^*)/ Mina (^.^) :) uwu

Lord-explosion-murder: he says you should feel good because you were cute Mina is right

I-need-sleep: koda I thought  better of you why did you have to agree with her

Goth-squads-bird-man: shut the fuck up I'm doing a satanic ritual and I'm trying to summon Santa

Dick-joke: why Santa

Goth-squads-bird-man: fuck autocorrect Satan*****

Lord-explosion-murder: Santa works too

Dick-joke: what's wrong with Santa he gives you presents on Christmas when you've been nice all year

Lord-explosion-murder: he sees you when your sleeping meaning he is a fucking psycho he knows when your awake stalker much he knows when you've done something wrong like it's kinda creepy and something a fucking pedophile would do because if he sees you doing those things he obviously sees you when changing and going to the toilet like shit it's fucked up

Dick-joke: understandable have a nice day

A/N : sorry I've not updated I logged out of my account for a while and by that I mean like months I'm so sorry I was concentrating on my GCSEs but it's my year that got affected by the corona virus meaning that I wouldn't be sitting them and I'd either get my predicted grades or the teachers are gonna sort something out relating to classwork and past exam papers and things so yeah I have more time now but I am moving house which is gonna take a while but it's a slow process as I'm leaving a few things at my current house just in case I visit my friends and family (my man and grandad are living in the current house I'm moving to my mum's house) and in moving some things to the new place so yeah that's basically what's happening

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