Purple purv's punishment part 7

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Bakugou pov
It turns out to be filled with lots of kinky and when I say lots I mean at least 15 "where the fuck do you get all of this kinky" "principal nezu and the teachers lounge" "nezu" I ask "yeah we have this thing where if I give him the money he would buy me kinky and in return I give him tea that he gives me money for if that makes sense" "yeah it does and everything makes sense now because I was confused why you had so much tea in your bag then having to go to nezu after school practically every day" "you could come with me next time if you want" "sure but should we-" I say as he cuts me off by kissing me and licks my bottom lip asking me to open my mouth which I do so he can slip his tongue into my mouth and starts fighting for dominance which he wins then he breaks the kiss and asks "what were you saying" "we should go back to the class now" I say "yeah they might think we're fucking" he says as he walks to the door opening it for both of us to walk back to the classroom. When we got there we went to the table with the drinks and hid the bottles under the table cloth not forgetting to keep our 2 of them one for me and one for ei then we stood up opening the kinky and taking sips of it while chatting about random things and finding somewhere to sit down at the back of the room. "HEY GUYS WANNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" Pinky shouted above the music loud enough for everyone to hear "fuck YEAH" present mic sung "yeah" everyone else replied all of them apart from Sonic the hedgehog being drunk or at least tipsy so jiro turned the music down and everyone sat in a circle including the teachers "hey bakugou truth or dare" pinky asked "truth" I replied not wanting to do dares from pinky "what's your kink" she asked "choking" I replied (A/N:I got the idea from shady cosplay's kiribaku live stream) and looked down blushing hiding my face "ha bakubottom" she said "truth or dare present mic" I said getting off the subject "oh honey call me yamada and I pick dare" he says "kiss Aisawa and I don't mean just a peck none of that pussy bullshit I mean like a full on kiss" I say knowing that it would annoy rape grape "if you wanted us to make out you should of said I would of happily done it" he says as he grabs aisawa's face and pulls him into a kiss which turned into making out for a few seconds "toshi truth or dare" Yamada says "truth" he says "is it true that you're fucking mido's mum" he says "yeah" he says slightly embarrassed and blushing like crazy "finally a strait person" rape grape says "that is not true young gape person in fact I am pansexual but in a strait relationship currently" he says getting himself together "ew how can a dude like another dude or a girl like another girl it's just wrong and discussing you bunch of fucking fags" he says and Deku, pink cheeks, human frog, ponytail, ei, pikachu and the fucking ghost broke down in tears from the homophobic comments that the grape just made I tried comforting ei by hugging him which seemed to work Aisawa comforted pink cheeks and the frog girl, pinky and tape arms comforted pikachu, yamada comforted ponytail with jiro and icy hot comforted Deku the rest of the group were all in utter shock with what the rape grape just said. After kiri stoped crying I was fuming so I stormed over to the grape lifted him up by his top and pinned him onto the window with him facing out "if you do that one more time I will break this glass with your face and throw you out of this fucking window you hear me" I growled hitting him against the glass with every word I said then threw him into the wall on the other side of the classroom I was livid with what he said my blood was boiling even Deku hasn't made me this angry ever this is the angriest I have ever been I wanted to kill that grape for what he had done he had made ei cry and people I would call friends cry and break down in tears but ei came up behind me and hugged me tightly "can you stop your scaring me" he said sweetly but I could tell that he was scared in his tone of voice so I turned around and hugged him "sorry it's just I couldn't control myself he made you cry and people I would consider my friends cry and I couldn't think at the time" I said still hugging him tearing up "it's ok just please don't do that again" he said and I couldn't hold it in anymore and I cried and collapsed onto the floor holding my face while I was crying so kiri knelt down and hugged me again trying to calm me down which only made it worse to kiri got up and went over to Aisawa

Kirishima's pov
Kat started crying so I hugged him trying to comfort him then I felt him getting weaker and falling to the floor I tried stopping him but his knees gave way and he sat on the floor shaking and crying his eyes out I tried comforting him once more by hugging him but he only seemed to cry more so the only thing I could think of was to go to Aisawa to get help because he is basically a dad to us all. I walked over to Aisawa who was comforting uraraka and tsuyu who now seemed to be calm "Aisawa" I said with my voice full of worry "yes kirishima" he said "katsuki has broke down in tears and is shaking a lot I don't know what to do can you help" I say and he looks worried, he immediately got up and went over to katsuki and I followed "bakugou can you stand" he says and gets bakugou outside the door so he can calm down. I go with them so I know what to do if it happens again "kirishima this isn't any ordinary cry he's having a panic attack do you know if he has any mental health issues I should be aware of" he asks calmly "no he never talks about that sort of thing" I say still worried "ok do you know what brought this on" he asks hugging kat and rubbing his back "he got really angry and couldn't control himself so I went up to him and hugged him from behind and told him that he's scaring me because he was at the time then he turned around and said sorry it's just I couldn't control myself he made you cry and people I would consider my friends cry and I couldn't think at the time to which I replied with it's ok just please don't do that again and he started crying and shaking then collapsed on the floor" I say "ok I understand can you do me a favour and go into the classroom and make sure that no one else is like bakugou here if they are get hizashi he knows how to deal with it ok" he says calmly "ok" I say and go back into the classroom and see Aoyama in the corner crying so I get yamada and tell him "Aisawa said that if I see anyone looking like they are having a panic attack I should get you and I found Aoyama in the corner looking like he was panicking" I say and he goes straight to Aoyama in the corner and helps him so I go to the rest of the bakusquad to see if they are all ok "hey guys are you all ok" I say "yeah it's just kami he is still getting over the fact he heard homophobic comments to someone he cares about" Mina says calmly "hey kami bro look katsuki stood up for all of us literally the entire class it was actually scary but he called you a friend he called all of us friends I know from experience that he has trust issues and that he struggles calling people his friend because of those trust issues and he only calls someone a friend when he knows that he can trust them whole heartedly" I say which seemed to cheer him up and he stopped hyperventilating "he actually said that" sero asks "yeah he really did" I say "where is he now" Mina asked "he is outside with Aisawa calming down because he had a panic attack" I reply "Aisawa is such a good dad" she says "speak of the devil" sero says and looks at the door to see bakugou and Aisawa walking back in so I got up and ran over to him and hugged him tightly "are you ok" I asked "yeah I am now and I have to tell you something" then the school bell went off signalling that it was the end of the school day and we could go back to our dorm rooms.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long but HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS (I am writing this at 00:00 or 12:00am whichever you prefer) comment on what your New Years revolutions are just because I am curious and I have no clue which mine can be.

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