The next day

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User names

Kirishima: dick-joke

Bakugou: lord-explosion-murder

Midoriya: smol-bean

Kaminari: pika-pika

Todoroki: icy-hot

Momo: MOMo

Mina: bubblegum-bitch

Uraraka: uravity

Tsuyu: kermits-sister

Hagakure: spirit

Tokoyami: goth-squads-bird-man

Iida- iidad

Jiro: earphones

Mineta: purple-purv

Aoyama: sparkles

Shoji: scary-Kakashi

Sero: flex-tape

Koda: owo-uwu-owo

Ojiro: tailed-ninja

Sato: super-diabetes

Toshinori: I-AM-HERE

Aisawa: I-need-sleep


Nemuri: hottest-hero

Shinsou: I-need-sleep-2.0

Dick-joke: were killing the earth

Lord-explosion-murder: and thats really fun

Iidad: killing the earth is not fun

Lord-explosion-murder: no one believes us

I-need-sleep: the fuck are you on bakugou

Dick-joke: because we are young

I-need-sleep: yes you are young

Lord-explosion-murder: are forests are turning to ash in a second

Iidad: please refrain from threatening everyone bakugou

Dick-joke: ask California they'll tell you about it

Uravity: what is a California

Lord-explosion-murder: they'll tell you about how they have lost all their homes

Kermits-sister: since when do you care if someones house is burning down

Dick-joke: why'll trump turns a blind eye and tweets on his phone

Owo-uwu-owo: ( ̄^ ̄)

Lord-explosion-murder: global warnings an expensive little hoax

Smol-bean: since when do you care about global warming and the environment

Dick-joke: for the last time this is not a joke

Smol-bean: no one said it was calm down

Lord-explosion-murder: our factories are working and toxins emitting

I-need-sleep: wth you haven't even learnt about that yet

Lord-explosion-murder: the ozone is crumbling and we won't stop putting
chemicals in what we're trying to breathe

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