Fake Dating (Adrinette FLUFF)

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This is inspired by To all the Boys I've Loved Before.

Long chapter so get readddyyy

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Adrien and Marinette screamed at the same time when Alya showed them a picture. It was a picture of Adrien and Marinette hugging. "No! This is taken completely out of context! I was crying and Adrien was just comforting me!" Marinette whined. "Really girl?" Alya teased.

"Yes!" Adrien replied. "Well good job dudes because now the whole internet thinks you're dating. And honestly, you two would make a great couple" Nino said. "No we wouldn't" Marinette huffed and crossed her arms, looking away.

"Okay, what do you suggest we do? Because there's no way in hell I'm taking this down. You know how many followers I've gained from this?" Alya laughed.

"Ugh Alya, sometimes you can be a real sack of shit, you know that right?" Adrien sighed. "Love you too little bro" she replied. Yes, Alya and Adrien considered each other siblings, just like Marinette and Nino.

"Oh I have an idea!" Adrien exclaimed. "What is it dude?".

"How about me and Mari fake date, then break up, so people think that we actually broke up and then problem solved!" he said. "You know... that's actually a good idea... Marinette?" Alya asked a blushing bluenette. "ugh...fine! But only to get the internet to shut up" she whined back. "Alright! Great! Smile you two" Nino took a picture of them and posted it. "What? Now that you're 'dating' you have to make it believable".

"Yeah, I guess so. Well in that case..." Adrien took ahold of Marinette's hand and looked deep in her eyes. "Gotta make it convincing right?" he asked her. "...Yeah, yeah you're right! I can do this! Easy mode" she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. Adrien blushed. "O-okay" he squeaked. "You're okay with that right?" Marinette asked. "Well, yeah it's what couples do, may as well get used to it" he responded.

"Woah Marinette, where's all this confidence coming from girl?" Alya questioned Marinette, who was now subconsciously holding onto Adrien's arm. "What do you mean? What conf-"

Just at that moment the bell went for first period. "Alya you can take my seat, I'll sit with Marinette" Adrien said. "Alright".

The four walked to class, Marinette still holding his arm. And as soon as they entered the classroom, the class blew up with cheers and whistles. Adrien was used to it so he just smiled, but Marinette didn't normally get this much attention and it was kind of scaring her. She hid behind Adrien, and he noticed. 

"Okay that's enough" Adrien said with an angry face. He turned to Marinette and whispered so only she could hear him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her with genuine worry in his eyes. "Yeah... yeah I'm good. It's fine, yeah" they sat down. Adrien kept his hands in hers. He looked at Marinette with a soft smile and couldn't take his eyes off her. Why is it only now I'm realising how beautiful this girl is? Wait- she's just a friend, calm down Agreste Adrien thought.

"Alright class, open up to page 32 in your maths textbook please" Ms. Bustier interrupted the pair. If it weren't for her, the two teens would have continued staring in eachother's eyes. Everyone groaned and Marinette banged her head on the table. "I hate maaathss" she groaned. "Well lucky for you, I happen to be fabulous at maths" Adrien bowed his head. "Huh, you're funny too" she jokingly teased.

Mrs. Bustier had instructed everybody to copy down the notes and answer questions 2D to 2E. That included twenty-five questions, and about seven sub-questions each. "Okay so Mariii, I know I said I'm good at maths but do you have the answer to 7a? Algebra just doesn't make sense" Adrien asked Marinette, who was almost done. "Oh yeah, it's 5.34." she replied, not looking up. "Thanks... babe" Adrien smirked and looked at her from the side. "U-uh, yeah, s-sure" she stammered. 

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