Everyone has a past

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"Oh god, she's already on about the past shit all the cringey 11 year old girls go on about." Is probably what you're thinking, but no, number one I'm definitely not 11 😂, number two, previous life experiences are spoken about way too much it may seem, yes I understand that. Yet they're still not spoken about enough? Yes, maybe that one hot blondie in a webtoon you're reading has some dark supernatural past which is why they're so cold towards all the other characters- but what about the person who you're sitting next to on the train whilst reading that particular webtoon? Next time divert your attention and look around you, look around you and take in the world, the humans, the nature, the animals, the weather. Maybe the person you're sitting next to on the train just got fired, maybe they're a toddler and the worst experience they've been through is that their mum's taken away their favourite toy, maybe they're an elderly person and their significant other has just passed away, maybe their father's just died, maybe their wife's just had a miscarriage. I know that sounds extremely depressing of myself to focus on the bad aspects that could of happened to this one single mysterious person, yet I'm only using bad ideas as people are so easy to judge, people are so easy to judge one person; they don't think about what that person's just gone through 15 minutes before, what about that very morning? They could of woken up to see that their child has committed suicide. Too far for you? Well that's life. One parent has woken up to that sometime this year; month even. Yet it sounds so.. unreal, even to us, me and you. Yet it happens, it happens and it's a horrible thing. Maybe even you've gone through that same experience, and with that then I sympathize with you and I hope you'll find peace again one day, take each day as it goes and I can assure you that the tight knot which is squeezing you and ripping you will ease, please give it time.
But back to what I was originally speaking about, we as humans are so quick to judge, so quick to whisper to our friend about someone, why? Why do we act so negatively? I wouldn't be able to tell you, this "book" of mine isn't about the meaning of life, and therefore I'll struggle trying to explain why humans act the way they do, I am a human (of course) and yet I still don't know, I guess you don't either, not if you properly think about it.
What about when someone, maybe your friend who you used to slag off, talks about their past, then what? Do you feel any sympathy? Any empathy? I, for one, harness way too much empathy, and I blame that on my dad for always making me feel bad for everything, even if I wasn't the one who caused harm to it, from spoons to my grandad, I'd always (and still do) hardness way too much empathy towards it, yet I can only thank him for that, as empathy is an amazing thing as much as it's an annoying thing, yet it allows me to understand someone's situation better than someone who lacks empathy. Back to what my original topic was: your friends past. Maybe you're put on the spot, told face to face. I'm seen as the therapist and doctor amongst my friends so I understand how tricky it is to require a good enough response which includes healthy and important advice within a matter of seconds, yet I've adapted to it, I hope someone reading this will empathize with me here because it really is such a hard job, yet so rewarding at the same time. Now over text may be easier, you could come up with a response when given time, yet it isn't as effective, because it's not face to face.
That just means one thing, you just don't do it, just ignore it completely, that'll do the trick. But no, that's the worse response anyone could be given when opening up about anything, and I've been there, I know that.
I have a very hard time talking about my problems, recent or past, even problems which will affect my future- and my friends shun me every time for it, as I'm always so open armed for their problems and I always want to help yet I never approach them with my own, same goes with my family. And they get so very annoyed over it but I can't help it, there are so many things I would love to open up about and let out; yet I just can't. It's still something I'm working on.
So I beg, I beg for you to encourage family, friends, strangers, even pets to let out about their past, to let out about their problems, they need someone there, be that person, I beg, we have everyone wanting to save the world, yet what about us? We're not stable enough to save anything at this rate, and we need to fix ourselves fast.
I don't know if I'll ever even come back to this "book" of mine; I tend to lose motivation in things quickly, I'm surprised I had enough enterprise to write this chapter if I'm being honest. But I hope this little thought process of mine helped you start thinking, helped you question and helped you understand.
I really don't have much more time, it's really late and I still need to do maths homework. Yet I needed to get this out- and still it's not all completely drained from my system, I have so much more to talk about towards pasts and other things life has to offer, both good and bad. I'm sorry this was cut so short, and I hope to come back to the negatives and positives of people's pasts again in this book as I wouldn't want you to think about pasts as a negative thing. It's too complicated to explain right now but I hope to see you again soon, keep on taking each day as it comes, you've got this.
In and out

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