🇩🇪What does Germany think of you🇩🇪

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♈️Aries-"Pretty great."

♉️Taurus-"Their alright but stay away from their food..."

♊️Gemini-"My love."

♋️ Cancer-"Sensitive much."

♌️ Leo-"They hide behind a fake wall of confidence, I insist on helping them but they don't listen. They're alright I guess..."

♍️ Virgo-"Really nice."

♎️ Libra-"Good to chill with."

♏️ Scorpio-"Will kill any spider for me."

♐️ Sagittarius-"Jokes for days."

♑️Capricorn-"Actually responsible unlike some others..."

♒️ Aquarius-"Good with bad situations, so they're pretty cool."

♓️ Pisces-"Great friend!"

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