♈️Aries-"Communist asshole..."♉️Taurus-"I love them they are mine."
♊️Gemini-"They're okay but I don't know why Germany loves them so much."
♋️ Cancer-"Don't bully them!"
♌️ Leo-"They put themself over others, that's fine with me."
♍️ Virgo-"They are so shy it's adorable!"
♎️ Libra-"Calm as f u c k."
♏️ Scorpio-"They tell me all their secrets, which surprises me."
♐️ Sagittarius-"All I have to say is yes."
♑️Capricorn-"Can you take a joke?!"
♒️ Aquarius-"Good friend."
♓️ Pisces-"I love how creative they are omfg!"