A Wanderer

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"You know, I really hate seeing you here, Zayne," Hank huffs, lowering himself into his seat. His steel gaze meets mine. "You should be at school right now, not here."

I just roll my eyes and focus on my phone, switching between the same three apps I frequent. There's nothing overly exciting about them. Just stupid memes and cringey posts stare back at me, but it's better than meeting his gaze. I know he's glaring at me, judging and trying to strike fear within me. But try he may, his tactics don't work against me. He knows that and I know that. Everyone knows that.

Defeated, he sighs, "Deputy May has already called Marleen. She should be here to pick you up soon."

"What?" I question, bringing my eyes to his. "You called my aunt? Why would you do that?"

He lifts a brow. "Is that really a question? You're fifteen -a minor. I can't just release you back onto the streets. I know you. You'll be back in here by the end of the hour if I do."

"You don't know that."

He shoots me a knowing expression as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Really?"

"Okay, okay. I get it," I growl, sinking into my chair. "But Marleen? Really? Why not Gran or Marcus?"

"Marleen is your legal guardian, not Janice or Marcus. You know the rules."

"Come on!"

I fling myself against the back of the chair, lifting my concentration to the ceiling. Right now, I don't feel like looking at Hank. His annoying face irks me and makes me want to just huff my way into deeper trouble. But how much worse can everything get? His annoying lacky has already called Marleen, so I can expect the whole "you-should-know-better-blah-blah-blah" lecture in the car. This day has become a real drag real quick.

"Pout all you want. You wouldn't be in this predicament if you didn't skip school again," Hank chuckles.

"Ugh. But it's sooo boring. Couldn't you have just let me off this one time?" I whine.

"And let you make a habit of it? I don't think so. You're already in hot water, bud."

"Don't call me that."


"Yeah. It's annoying."

He just chortles, "You're so dramatic."

I roll my eyes, turning to look elsewhere -the ceiling has grown boring. Then again, this whole situation is boring. Had Hank not seen me, I could still be out doing whatever. Instead, shitface magically stumbled across me while out on patrol. Just my luck.

The silence lingers between us until I can hear a distant chatter. Their words are muffled by the wooden door which separates Hank's office from the main area, but I can make out the sharp tone of my aunt Marleen's voice, causing me to cringe. She got here quicker than I anticipated, which means she must have been at the market on her break again. Typical.

Just then, the door opens, deputy May's voice announcing, "Chief, Miss Young is here."

"Good. Send her in, Greg," Hank orders.

There's a shuffling behind my chair, but I dare not look. I already know what I'd find if I did. An exhausted and most likely annoyed-looking Marleen. After all, this is the last place she expected to venture to today. Work. Check. Grocery store. Check. Police department. Wasn't on the list, but check.

Hank pushes up from his chair, smiling, "Marleen. Good to see ya again."

"Hank," she sighs, rushing over by my seat. "I'm so sorry we keep runnin' into each other like this."

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