(17) - Fights

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ACE HUFFED OUT A BREATH DRENCHED in annoyance. "No!" She turned away from Natasha and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not sorry, but no." Ace spat again.

"Why is crime so important to you?" Ace whips around with eyes wide with anger. Her blue eyes are no longer a sunny sky, they're the ice Natasha remembers from Russia. 

"Because it is! It's all I know! Just like you and your bullshit 'I have no feelings' lines. Don't act like a saint because I know exactly what you've done in your past Widow." Natasha flinched when she heard the tone of voice Ace was using. This is one of the cases where Ace has been pushed too far. "If you keep pushing me to stop who I am... I will explode!" Ace threw down her pen and it skidded under the couch again. 

Ace slams the door behind her as the cold air of Upstate New York hits her bare legs. "Fuckin' bullshit, that's what it is." Ace feels an itch she hardly ever feels anymore. An urge to just, fuck some shit up. To completely ruin something for literally anyone. Ace hasn't felt like this in a while and she would like to think it's because of Natasha's influence on her.

Natasha makes Ace want to be normal for her. So she lets Nat see the real Ace. To see what Ace thinks is the real Ace is... Although Ace can be a bit of a control freak sometimes, this was one of the times where she feels utterly out of control. And the only way to remedy it is to create chaos. The only thing that Ace has ever felt in control of. 

That's why Ace loves causing trouble, because she can control the outcome. She knows that even though she's the villain and the protagonist... she will always win. The protagonist always comes out on top. And that is what Ace hopes to be true. But ever since Natasha has been around, Ace's luck seems to be evading herself. 

It's terrifying in so many ways. Ace hates depending on people and it's been hard for her since she has so many conflicting feelings about Natasha Romanoff. 

She's beautiful- pro
Strong - pro
S.H.I.E.L.D agent- con

Because that makes Natasha a government worker and Ace detests police. They make her just all around irritable and pissier than usual. She doesn't know why, but they always have. The sound of the door opening makes Ace turn around, arms crossed over her chest. "What?" Ace snaps and Natasha rolls her eyes.

"Will you ever give up crime? Will you ever just stop stealing?" Ace feels the tears coming and she bites her lip.

"I don't know... maybe?" Natasha is beyond surprised that Ace threw that line back at her. Ace walks into the garage and sees Natasha's black bike. "It's not mine, but... it'll do." She hops onto Natasha's bike before struggling to find the on button. "Where the hell is-" Ace sees the small black button and clicks it. The bike roars to life.

She revs the engine before zooming out of the garage. Ace lowers her body on the bike to optimize speed and she's in the heart of the city before she knows it. She begins making her way to East 47th street for 'Bank of New York'. Ace knew it would be difficult so that's why she began hacking into as soon as she got close enough to the bank.

Ace stops on East 49th and Park Avenue to calibrate the hack. Ace knows which banks have electronic locks and which ones don't. And Bank of New York just happened to have upgraded their security system last month. "Twist this piggy's toe and you've got dinner!" She chuckles to herself as she breaks past the last firewall. 

This bank has been closed for three hours, she knows that there are security guards and that this bank is very protected. But, Ace always comes out on top. The busy streets of Midtown annoy Ace as she tries to blend in. Which is hard to do in a bright blue and red-clad outfit... with sequins. Ace finds a nearby alleyway and grabs her grappling hook, she clicks the button on the side and the hook opens, ready for deployment.

Ace aims the grappling hook at the top of the building and releases it. The hook just barely makes it and Ace tests it by pulling on the hook violently. "Betta safe than sorry." Ace mumbles to herself while attaching the clip to her belt. She whoops loudly into the alley as she's pulled up to the roof. Sure, Ace could have climbed but she's been working on an array of gadgets and a gadget belt. 

Ace retracts the hook's wire back into the body of the device and slides it back onto her belt. She claps her hands together and rubs them against one another. "I got this, I'm the Ace of Hearts, baby!" She runs across the rooftop and launches herself onto the side of the bank. Ace sighs loudly into the wind and looks up for the entry point, the vent.

ACE COUGHED INTO HER ARM trying to muffle the sound. The men beneath the vent look around, "Did you hear that, Barry?" Barry nods and slowly begins to look up, Ace jumps into action and lands on not Barry's shoulders. She twists her body and he's paralyzed, but not dead. Ace flips backward into a backhand spring to land on her feet.

"Hey, Barry." She smiles, "Bye Barry." Ace punches him square in the nose, he's knocked out in an instant. Ace looks down at the screen on her wrist. The heat signatures are only where Ace is, she slowly walks, looking for a sudden rise in cool air and when she does... she smirks. "Bingo!" Ace retrieves the mini drill from her belt before pausing, she puts it back. 

She pushes her ear against the vault door and knocks on it. Ace visualizes the room in her head and listens intently for the echoes to come back. She can almost taste the money and that makes her groan. Money does not taste good, believe it... Ace would know. Ace hits the side of the wall beside the door and a couple of feet away a hatch opens. 

Ace walks over to it and lifts her phone over it, she turns on the camera and the heat signatures are faded but vivid on "3470". Ace sighs loudly, "East 47th? How original..." Ace mumbles while typing in the numbers silently. 

"Hands up, now." Ace freezes and looks down at her wrist, on the screen is shown five bodies. Four men... and a woman impersonating a man? Dropping her phone, Ace slowly raises her hands. "Against your head, slowly!" The man yells as the flashlights hit her eyes. "Keep your eyes on the-" The sound of metal hitting plastic meets Ace's ears.

Behind Ace, the 'woman impersonating a man' was beating up the men. The woman punches the last guy down and kicks him in the chest which sends him sprawling. "Jesus, that helmet was squeezing my brain." Ace gasps, forgetting that she was even mad At Natasha in the first place and runs to hug her.

"Thank you so much Puddin!" Natasha clears her throat and stares at Ace with the best mom glare she could garner. Ace pulls away from Natasha and sheepishly smiles. "Well, I just... I was angry and it seemed so easy, there were only two guards and-" 

Natasha cuts her off, "You're just lucky I was here-"

"You're actually the reason my luck doesn't work so I beg to diff-" Natasha's mom glare deepened and Ace shuts up.

"What did you just say?"

Ace shook her head, "Nothing, I take it back!" 

Author's Note:

Ah fuck, it's about to get painful up in this bitch :(

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