Ice Cold Flames

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A violent pain erupted from Eddie's core, spreading across his entire midsection. Then the hot, fiery pain slowly began to melt into ice. Sharp, freezing ice. This time the ice spread throughout his entire body. It was both unbearable and comforting to Eddie. The feeling made him want to curl up into a ball and wait for- who was it that he was waiting for? Eddie didn't know, just that there was this odd feeling, a ghost of memory really, like if he were to wait long enough, someone would come riding by on their bike, and fix him up real quick. Eddie didn't think that was a possibility anymore. All around him was dark. He didn't feel anything, hell he didn't even know if that was possible for him-feeling that is. He didn't know what was and wasn't possible. Then out of nowhere, breaking him out of his reverie, he felt like he was falling. Was that happening a minute ago? Eddie became suddenly aware of the ice he felt, and realized that it was going away, only to be replaced with the same burning pain he'd felt before. The burning coupled with the falling made Eddie want to puke, if that was even possible. As he was barely getting used to the searing pain, all of it stopped out of nowhere. The falling, the flame-like pain, it was done. Eddie then felt himself being what could only be described as bodyslammed. He groaned and then his eyes opened like hinges on a rusty gate.

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