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-Let me try it-, Dominic took the daggers in his hands, made a series of movements but nothing happened.

-You broke them-

-I just touched them. How am I going to break them? How did you say you did it? -

-I just...-

Nuray and Dominic were interrupted by the announcement that they had reached their destination, now they were the Urs System, they were in Sangheili territory.
Dr. Phillips would go down to the planet and her team had been assigned as part of his escort, this news made her ideas soar like a spark.

"Thel 'Vadamee", that feeling of fury returned to her, she thought that being there was not a coincidence and that perhaps fate had given her an opportunity to do justice, she knew it would not be easy but she had to try.

She prepared herself as always did and put the daggers in a special compartment she had made to carry the weapons with her. When they were in the Pelican descending to the planet, she headed towards Dominic and made sure that no one else could hear her.

-Dom ... there is something I have to do and you will not like-

-What are you talking about? - He looked at her confused and planned to demand answers but just then they arrived at Sanghelios.

-We'll talk later - she left the Pelican avoiding being questioned by her friend.

They had been warned that they would help eliminate enemies attacking The House of 'Vadam, meanwhile Phillips would gather some data for his investigations, unfortunately everything had gotten a little out of control and Nuray and her team were trapped in the middle of the whole disaster.

Nuray took advantage of this attack to carry out her plan. They were in the middle of a fight, shots from both sides flew everywhere, she picked up the camouflage of one of the enemies and when he saw the opportunity he took it.

-Dom! Friend ... here we parted-

-What are you doing, what are you talking about? - Dominic took her arm.

-It's something I need to do, I have to adjust some old accounts, we'll see you again, I promise you-

-I don't understand, what are you going to do? -

-Someday you'll know, just do me a favor, today I died here, you'll tell them that-


-It will be the last favor I ask you, I'll owe you my life after this-, she said as she let go of Dominic's grip, walked away leaving her friend totally confused but she knew that he was faithful and had full trust in him.

She left without anyone besides Dominic noticing it, and using camouflage she managed to follow some sangueilis without them see her.

She didn't know the whereabouts of the Arbiter, but from what she could hear from an elite, she assumed that the sangueili she was looking for was on the Shadow of Intent.

That ship was familiar to her for everything that happened during the battle at Installation 00. Well, at least she had an idea of ​​how to move.

She hid for hours and followed several elites until finally her patience paid off. Not even didn't know how she could infiltrate in a Seraph that would be heading for a ship, but once inside the hangar and as she had been doing so far, she used camouflage to move forward little by little and hide until found a safe place where she could stay until she knew what her next move would be.

She wandered through some corridors and found a small cellar in which apparently the movement was practically null and stayed there for a long time, in fact she estimated to have spent approximately 2 days.

She had felt some movements in the ship and as the hall seemed calm she decided to go out to investigate. Strangely most of the places where she walked were quite desolate, she even thought that maybe the crew had gone down to Sanghelios, but she was wrong.

Sooner rather than later, she discovered that the cruise had actually made a slipspace jump, but where?, would 'Vadamee continue on the ship? In addition, hunger began to attack her, it became a bit weak but part of her training had been to endure That kind of situations.
While walking she located a gravitational elevator, she thought could use it to explore beyond, she was close, very close to reaching it but before she could approach it, remembered something familiar, that feeling she had when she was a child and that elite with camouflage showed up in her House.

It was the same situation, he took her by the neck with force and got up of the ground, she could barely breathe, her heart began to beat rapidly and she hated to admit it but she was afraid. A pair of sangheilis was revealed in front of her, one of them was looking at her from the edge of the elevator, the other had more peculiar characteristics, one in particular make her to the immediate recognition of who he was.


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