• Twenty Seven •

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It was around 7 PM, Jungkook and you laying on the bed as he slept and you watched him, caressing his hair

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It was around 7 PM, Jungkook and you laying on the bed as he slept and you watched him, caressing his hair. You smiled softly, watching his relaxed, sleeping face.

You started feeling hungry, but, you didn't want to wake up Jungkook. Slowly getting out of Jungkook's arms, you sat up on the bed and stretched.

Your legs were still weak, you had left the hospital that morning and the doctor had told you to walk with someone's help, your legs not strong enough to hold your entire weight that much.

You carefully pulled yourself up, your legs shaking while standing. You helped yourself with the wall and anything that surrounded you that could help you stay standing.

After reaching the doorway and exiting the room, your legs gave out and you fell to your knees before sitting on your butt, already having expected to fall.

You sighed, rubbing your knees due to the pain growing there. The sound of sheets shuffle and quick muffled steps echoed in your room before you caught sight of Jungkook in front of you.

His eyes were wide and his hair was a mess, but you only concentrated in his eyes, the worry and care in them. What they used to hold for Chaeyeon is now for you.

"Y/n, I told you to wake me up if you needed to go anywhere." He said while quickly crouching down and checking your knees, small purple bruises starting to form.

"I didn't want to. I know you haven't been getting much sleep because of me in the hospital." You said with a pout, widening your eyes as he picked you up bridal style again.

"I don't care. Next time, wake me up." He said, looking at you with a grin. "Let's have a date. Here. I'll cook, we'll watch a movie and maybe we can go to the beach after." He suddenly said.

He started heading to the kitchen with you in his arms while you stared in shock. You never thought you would go on a date with Jungkook and the simple thought of it already made you nervous.

"B-But... Yoongi. I haven't talked to him yet. He doesn't even know I'm out." You said quickly, Jungkook placing you down on the stool by the counter.

"Y/n, the guy hasn't even called to check on you since you woke up. It has been a week." Jungkook said, placing his hands on your cheeks.

"Just forget about him, break up with him. I don't know." He sighed. You looked down at your lap, heaving a sigh too.

"I want clutches, I want to just go and see him, Jungkook." You said, already sensing Jungkook was ready to protest.

"Jungkook, please. It won't take long. I will take 30 mins, 40 max." You said quickly when his lips parted, heaving a sigh. "Fine." He simply replied.

You watched him start going around the kitchen, gathering ingredients and utensils to cook breakfast. With a careful step, you got off the stool and made your way to Jungkook, hugging him from behind.

He was going to say something, having heard your footsteps but instead, he sighed, looking down as he rested his hands on the counter.

"Jungkook, please... Don't think I'm leaving you for him or anything like that. I am simply going to talk to him and hope that he will leave me be." You said, staring up at him as he didn't want to look back at you.

You felt something warm on your hands, looking down to see his hands resting on top of yours. "I trust you." He said quietly, turning his head to glance back at you with a small, insecure smile.

You sighed and pulled away, widening your eyes when he was the one to wrap his arms around your waist from behind.

Your eyes widening, heart quickening as your breath hitched in your throat. You didn't know why you were reacting this way since it wasn't the first time he did that.

"Even if you try to escape with Yoongi, I will still run after you and make you come back to me. Because I love you."

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