• Thirty Seven •

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You sat outside Jungkook's room, the doctors taking care of him after the surgery

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You sat outside Jungkook's room, the doctors taking care of him after the surgery.

You had waited for about 3 hours till now, Jungkook's severe state having been worse than doctors thought.

But thankfully, they had managed to put him in a stable state where he could recover after a few days.

One of the doctors opened the door, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the other 2 doctors inside the room, pushing needles into Jungkook's arms and attaching him to machines.

The beeping of the heart machine made you feel the rest of the hope you had been clinging onto since he disappeared.

"Doctor, how-" You were cut off by the doctor smiling at you.

"Mr. Jungkook is okay for now, Y/n. He had a pretty bad concussion on his head, 3 broken ribs, a bullet wound on his abdomen and a few cuts and scratches over his back and arms." He explained.

You bit your lower lip to hold a sob at the news, nodding your head.

"He seemed to have fought to get here, judging by the wounds he was probably tortured or something. But he is a fighter, there might be something very important keeping him alive." The doctor smiled.

You looked down and let out a happy sob, feeling relief that at least he was alive.

"Will he heal?" You asked. "Yes, he will. Of course. But, it will take some time. A week or two for the scratches and wound. Then his ribs will take up to two months, depending on his body." He replied.

You nodded and thanked the doctor as he called the other two once they were done, leaving you in the hallway.

You had rented a room on one of the most empty floors in the hospital, not wanting a lot of people snooping around.

Running echoed through the end of the hall, seeing Haeun running towards you with your 2 girls.

"I came as fast as I got the message. How is he?" She asked once she reached your side. "He is okay. He'll take some time to heal but he is back." You sobbed, giggling softly.

"Mommy, who is back?" Hejin asked. After kneeling down, you took their hands with a sad smile, giving them a squeeze.

"Appa is back. You can finally meet him." You replied, watching as their eyes widened and they looked at each other, then back at you.

"A-Appa?" Sujin stuttered. You picked her up, holding Hejin's hand and glancing at Haeun before going inside the hospital room.

The beeping of the heart monitor echoed throughout the room, the 3 of you watching as Jungkook's chest heaved up and down as he breathed.

He had an oxygen mask to help him breathe, in case he had it hard. You put down Sujin, letting them go to Jungkook's side first.

"Appa is sleeping, stay quiet, okay?" You whispered. Hejin took his hand, her eyes staring at it in wonder. "Appa?" She whispered.

Jungkook's finger twitched in her hand, his eyes snapping open.

The beeping on the monitor went quick, his breathing ragged as well while looking around the room until his eyes fell on you by the feet of the bed.

Your wide eyes stared back into his, hands gripping the plastic holder at the end.

"H-Hey." You stuttered with a giggle. You could see tears shining in his eyes, a smile creeping upon his lips. 

While moving to his side, the girls moved to stand on the other, holding hands as they watched you.

Your hand shakily rested on his cheek while sitting down on the edge of the bed, his eyes closing and spilling a few tears.

You had both missed your touch, him more than anything. "You're safe now." You whispered, unable to hold back a sob.

His soft, loving eyes opened to look into yours again. The sweet bubbly feeling you would feel in your stomach was back.

With a smile, you leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead before turning to the girls.

Jungkook widened his eyes at the sight of the two, his lips parting and starting to tremble. He took in a shaky breath and looked at you heartbroken.

You then realized. This man in front of you had left you at his parents' house the night before you went back to Seoul.

He had told you to forget about him, continue your life and never search for him. But you did the opposite.

He had left you stranded and heartbroken, but you still looked for him, no matter what.

You wiped your tears away and sighed, looking down at your lap. You didn't know if to tell him the truth or lie and say you were with someone else.

After all, it was his wish since the moment he left.

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