A perfect world.
What would a perfect world look like? Who would live in it, and how do they live together.
One could say that in a perfect world there won't be crime, hunger or poverty, war and diseases. People, or let me correct myself, beings that live together in harmoney.
What would be the cost of it. How could this world be real. The thing that needs to be changed was simple in this case.
Humans needed to go. And why? It seemd fairly simple. Humans don't have any magical powers. They are easily jelouse or when two groups of humans get into an argument they might start a fight, let's not even talk of what happend in the past when countries got into a fight.
Yes, humans used to live with the beings together. But hatred took over. They started wars, had systems where only the high up "imporant" ones lived an easy life. Humans got greedy and tried to get more land by attacking the kingdoms around them. And while fighting against a magical being they lost.
So what happend with them?
All the humans that commited a serious crime got killed. Taken out. All the other ones were taken and put away in an underground cave. To never leave again. Only one that posesses a magical power could come and go. Of course none of the beings that do have magic want to be near a human. So no-one ever goes there. To keep humans from going out magical borders were created, there is only one way in and one way out.
I could tell you so much more about this city. But let the story take you there.
So let me tell you the story about a faity that was born in this cave, the things she did in her life and how it was possible that her life started there. To do so I have to start with the one of her mother. Her family and the rules of this magical perfect world.
And yes, it is beautiful, as long as you are magical.
A bit about the writer:
This is kinda important. I am not perfect, I make a lot of mistakes in my writing. So if you find one please don't be scared to point it out to me! I would really like it if you do, togther we can make this story perfect. (see what I did there??)
A perfect world
FantasiA magical world that is known for being flawless. Beings living together in hamony. No hunger or poverty. Just all for the cost of humans. Humans aren't allowed in this world. They are weak, there is nothing special about them. Humans are put away...