🍬 Slow Morning [Oumami] 🍬

537 14 4

Kokichi shivered as a smooth gust of wind chilled his skin, the window whistling quietly with the rush of air. He cracked his eyes open, peering over at the curtains in annoyance, which flowed lazily in the breeze. It had been closed earlier, he remembered, but judging by the lack of warmth next to his person, that was because he was the last one to get up. Of course he was, especially with how much he, rather childishly, refused to go to bed early.

He propped his feet up closer to himself so that his knees sat in the air and pushed so that he was upright against the pillows. His head hung back just a touch to rest against the headboard as a groan passed through his throat. The window was on the other side of the room and there didn't ever seem to be enough energy in him upon waking up to actually move around much. His eyes fell shut again while he sulked over the open pane and darted his feet back underneath the covers to get whatever heat he could find. It wasn't much, since the comforter wasn't out yet to compensate for the chilling weather, but it was something.

Kokichi almost slipped back into a shallow nap until he heard the door scratch up against the frame where it didn't quite fit right. He didn't bother lifting his head as he glanced over, smiling up at his husband who had tried his best to be quiet upon entering. "I see you, y'know," he yawned in as smug of a tone as a yawn could carry.

Rantarou hummed quietly in acknowledgement, pushing the door the rest of the way open with his foot. His hands were occupied with something that was just outside of Kokichi's range of vision from where his head was turned upward. He could make a pretty good guess, though.

His question was confirmed when Rantarou closed to short distance between the entrance to their bed, setting down a wooden slate that they often used to hold their food when they ate away from a table. He finally picked his head back up to look down at what he had made, just seeing their usual breakfast setup. Not that he minded, of course, he loved anything that Rantarou cooked.

Kokichi picked up the small glass of water set carefully on the corner of the tray as the other climbed over his legs and settled in by his side. His arm tucked under and around Kokichi's waist as he scooted the wood to sit on both of their legs. He was also noticeably tired, but of course he always managed to be productive despite that, somehow.

They sat quietly, picking at their food slowly and warming up beside each other until Rantarou leaned his head over onto Kokichi's. Following the hum of contentment he got in return, he mumbled, "I love you."

Kokichi couldn't help but giggle airily, poking into the yolk he had left untouched for some time now. "Where's this coming from?"

Rantarou offered a small shrug, or at least as muh of a shrug as he could get in his position, and closed his eyes. "No where. I just love you," he said. He sat his bowl back down, having finished before his husband, as he often did. Now having his hand freed, he reached up to idley run his fingers through Kokichi's hair, gently untangling any knots he ran into along the way.

"Of course my beloved Amami loves me!" Kokichi boasted. "He always has and always will, I know it. I don't need the reminders." But, reminders were nice, and both of them knew that it was silently appreciated despite whatever he said in the moment.

Rantarou chuckled softly, leaning himself over to kiss him before he got another bite of his breakfast up to his mouth. Kokichi's hand fell back to the bowl slowly, dropping his chopsticks in with a faint clink. He moved to take Rantarou's free hand into his own, returning the gesture for just a moment before they parted. Kokichi loved when they kissed. It was always nice, occasionally gentle; one of the few constants in his life that he adored.

Before Kokichi had the chance to ask about his affection again, he felt the ring on his finger swivel slightly in between the other's grip. "Rantarou. It's Rantarou, Kichi baby."

Kokichi stared up at him for a moment before he let out a huff, his face warming up against his own wishes. "Right, whatever."

Rantarou reached to pull the blanket up over their legs a bit more, and allowed his husband to lean against him as he finished eating. With the last sip of his water, Kokichi tilted his face up for another kiss. Rantarou gladly leaned in, only to recoil when water was spit onto his face, followed by smug, happy laughter. He wiped his sleeve over his cheeks, shaking his head in amusement as he got his actual kiss the second time around. Kokichi beamed up at him.

"I love you!"


word count ▪︎ 847 ▪︎

▪︎ just something soft and low energy to try and get me out of a writing block! ▪︎

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