🍬 Heading home [Oumami] 🍬

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“Are you almost home yet?”

Amami sighed into the speaker of his earbuds, leaning up against the shaky wall of the train. “I told you already, it’s gonna be another hour or so.” He made sure to speak quietly, not wanting to disturb the other on board, as it was extremely early in the morning. He was honestly surprised that Ouma was still up to wait for him, seeing as he usually went to sleep at two am at the latest. It was a sweet gesture, especially since this had been one of his longer trips, even with his persistent questions that he was fully aware were just to be annoying. He really had to start bringing his boyfriend along so that they wouldn’t have to spend so long apart.

He was pulled out of his train of thought by a soft yawn on the other end of the call, smiling to himself. “Why don’t you just take a nap until I’m back? I’d be there a lot sooner if you fell asleep, y’know.”

Ouma could be heard sitting up from his spot under the blankets in defiance, his voice coming out about as snippy as his tired state would allow. “No way! I spent enough nights sleeping all alone and you want me to do it again when I don’t need to?” he whined. “Why don’t you just get here faster? Problem solved!”

“Unfortunately I’m not the conductor, ‘Kichi. Can’t do anything about how fast it’s going,” he noted, humouring Ouma’s antics. He received an annoyed groan in response, followed by the shuffling of sheets as the other settled back into their bed. “Come on, not that much longer and we can get snuggled up under the blankets together again. You can be patient, can’t you?”

“And what if I can’t? I miss youuu.”

He chuckled softly, cheeks warming in adoration. “I miss you too. Trust me, this time will be worth it.”

“It better be,” Ouma huffed.

Amami looked down at the dark, velvety box that he held in his hands delicately. “It is, I promise.”


word count ▪︎ 348 ▪︎

▪︎ got prompted to write a romantic scene for them on my tumblr, so fkdhsg ▪︎

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