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Papers... papers...papers.

Littering my bed. Words, words and more words.

About what exactly? I couldn't tell you.

Organisation. Siblings. Fire. Man.

Did I have a brother? These papers I hold in my shaking hand could hold answers to my whole life.

But, could I read them. The lies, the misery, the pain. Anything, they could be anything.

A knock at my door snaps me out my plummeting train of thoughts. Standing up, I pull my hood over my face, my shaky hands dust down my clothes, quickly putting my papers under my bed and heading towards my door to find who the culprit is. Rapidly the door burst open before I got a chance to pull the door open, a sudden rush of anxiety courses through my veins as I wonder what monster I just let into my apartment.

"Taylor!"Dylan exclaims, all traces of anxiety leaving my body. His strong arms pull my small figure into his arms. These days have been slow, locking myself in my room.

"Hi" I squeeze out, my body reluctantly talking to them. I haven't needed friends and I don't need friends now. But these four loonies in my lounge? They are something special, from their rock hard exterior to their soft core. Like a mars bar.

"We're here to check on you." Trevor grunts out.

"Well, I'm doing great, thank you." Once i realise they haven't budged towards the door I quickly add on "You can go now" My hands shoo them to the door. I didn't need them here while my hands ruffled through stacks of papers, revealing lies after lies Questions after questions.

These papers have my answers, or did they hold mystery. My whole life's been a big jumble of a pile of dog crap.

I shoo them out the door, slamming it behind them, their shouts of debate behind drowned out by the locks closing on my door. Striding to my bedroom, I scan the pieces of paper scattered across my bed. Was all this all a mistake? Conspiracy? Lies?

I remember everything from my past, but did i ever imagine it'd be this deep and destroying. Did i have a brother?

Continuing my search of the papers, my eyes cross something. Something that wasn't a newspaper report, a picture. It was a note. A note from him.

"Hello darling, had a nice holiday, have we?


How did he know where I was going. My eyes dart to the window, once again checking out. A pair of eyes, not just any. Familiar ones. Ones that are burned deep into my soul. The Devil's eyes.

 The Devil's eyes

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