30 Day Of JeanMarco!

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Day One- Holding Hands ~

Morning Guys!! I decided I didn't like my Ereri challenge so I thought I'd go again! This time with one of the most cutest, saddest and just all round perfect JeanMarco!


Marco was never one for public displays of affection, but today, when he was with Jean, he will go out of his way to break through the wall of embarrassment and pull him closer.

"O-oi... Marco, what are you thinking?" Jean asked, his eyes narrowing at the sight of flushed freckled cheeks.

"Er... N-nothing! Nothing Jean." Marco lied through his teeth, hoping to Maria that Jean wouldn't catch on. They both continued to walk through the centre of town, idly watching people work through the day. They walked side by side, Marco struggled to keep his hands from shaking with nerves. Slowly his slipped his hand into Jean's, glancing quickly to gauge his reaction. He was smiling, grinning actually, his amber eyes shining brightly.

"Bout time." Jean said quietly as they continued their walk, as, what Marco hoped, a couple.


I'll try and makes these longer than last time but no promises! I want most of these to be fluffy... Like all of them fluffy!

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