Day Nineteen- In Formal Wear. (19/11/14)

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Day Nineteen- In Formal Wear.


To be continued tomorrow :3


"Do we need to go?" Jean asked, struggling with the dark coloured tie that hung loosely around his neck. His reflection didn't look any better than he felt about this whole thing.

"'Cause Levi is our boss and Eren's our friend. Plus, I'd never miss a wedding." Marco walked in to the room, a dark navy pinned striped clung to him, Jeans mouth went dry suddenly.

"Lemme do your tie." Marco pulled Jean close, and fiddled about with the soft fabric, then he pulled the knot tight, he stepped back, admiring his handiwork. Jean sent a quickly glance at the mirror beside him, he still looked like he had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Marco stood beside him, wrapping an arm around Jean's waist.

"I'm too good looking for weddings." Jean smirked when Marco laughed, his cheeks flushing red.


Only, what? About a month and 6 days 'till Christmas... Shiiiit.

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