Day Twelve- Making Out (12/11/14)

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Day Twelve- Making Out.

[ok so like im getting annoyed with ship bashing and hating on innocent Armin- please respect other people's shit holy fuck (4/6/16]

*wiggles eyebrows suggestively* I suuuuck writing make out scenes!


Marco's eyes ran across the words in front of him, his entire attention was on the story. Jean sat beside him, complaining.

"Maaarcoo... I'm bored." he placed his hand across the book, Marco's eyebrows furrowed.

"Read a book." Marco moved Jeans hand, lacing his fingers and setting it beside him. He continued reading.

"No." Marco sighed. Closing the book and let it fall to his lap. He shook his head.

"Then what?" Jean smirked, quickly pushing forward, lips meeting lips ina crazed manner, Marco's hands instinctively went to Jeans hair, tugging gently. At first the kiss was gentle, soft and slow, but soon enough in their lust filled daze the kiss became heated, moans left chapped and swollen lips. A muffled whimper made them pull apart, Armin stood there, tears ran freely as he ran from the room.


I keep bringing Armin into this just to torture the shit outta the kid.

Why you guys gotta bash on my ships like? Jearmin is so pure and sweet lmao what even.

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