Watermelons and Computers pt.2 ~ Jeon Jungkook

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It's now been 2 months since you've joined BigHit. Jin has basically adopted you and makes sure you have food because literally all you seem to do is sit on the computer or help their choreographers. You also started to become close friends with Jimin. It's more of a platonic sibling thing. You thought Jungkook would be close to you because he was the one that wanted you there but he seems to have distanced himself the moment you began to get close to the others and be around more. 

Today was a day where you were off but that didn't stop you from going to see the guys. You walk into the building, wave to the secretary,  then head off to the practice room. You walk into the excitement of the boys. 

"(Y/N)! Guess what! We just aced the dance! Perfect complete!" Jimin screams excitedly running to you the moment he saw you.

"Really! Nice!" You comment as he drags you to the others. You notice Jungkook standing to the side and walk to talk with him. Before you say anything your phone starts beeping. You pull it out and look at the notification. You had it set up to where if someone hacked passed your firewall you'd get a notification. This was one.

"Oh man… Holy shit," You mumble before running out and up to your computer. You missed Jungkook looking at you sadly and the others confused. 

"(Y/N) great. You are here. Look," the newbie at your computer states. Clearly he doesn't know what he is doing and the entire system was hacked.

"Yeah! Get out of my chair. The entire system was hacked. I need to get them out and secure it again," you snap. He quickly moves and you get working away.

"Get me some kind of drink with caffeine," You say suddenly. You've been at the computer for about twenty minutes and have been locked in a hacking war. You secure information then go to work on locking whoever it is out then they break through again. Soon a cup is placed in front of you. You grab it and take a sip. 

"You're welcome," Jungkook's voice says.

"What did I scare off the newbie?" You ask jokingly.

"He was just down the hallway but…. I wanted to bring it and watch," Jungkook says.

"Okay..sure. not sure how much you'll understand," you say. It looks like a bunch of numbers and a mess. Jungkook stays silent and you focus. You miss him talking to you but it's like he knew that you weren't focused. 

At some point he leaves again but you don't notice. Whoever this is is persistent. You were long done your drink and you have no idea what time it is. The sun must be going down. There is a soft glow in the room but you can't afford to get up and turn on a light. Then suddenly whoever it is disappears. You smirk. They gave up. You make sure they are out of the system and can't get back in. You figure you are the only one in the building by now. 

 "(Y/N) you're still here?" Jungkook's voice suddenly is behind you. You stop for a moment and look at Jungkook. 

"Kookie… Yeah," You say softly but give him a smile.

"They gave up. I'm just setting up a firewall again," You say. 

"Take a break. It can't be healthy? Have you even moved?" Jungkook asks you. You look down not admitting it. You punch in a few more digits then turn off the system.

"There," You say softly. You finally notice the worried look on his face. 

"Kookie…." You mumble standing up. You walk up to him and he pulls you into a hug. 

"Take care of yourself," Jungkook mumbles. 

"It was one day. I'm fine," You say to him. 

"But what if you go too far," Jungkook mumbles.

"Why do you care about me. I'm just a random girl BigHit picked up from delivering watermelons," You mumble.

"Because I saw you and liked you..," Jungkook admits. You finally pull away from the hug.

"Jungkook," You say softly looking up into his eyes. 

"I love you (Y/N) and that's why I distanced myself…" He mumbles. You hug him tightly. 

"I love you too," You mumble softly. Then killing the moment your stomach growls. You pull away from Jungkook the both of you laughing. Then he grabs your hand and drags you out of the building to find some food.

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