Movie Night ~ TaeMinKook (friends)

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Jungkook, your best friend, a guy you would do anything for, but also the biggest pain in your ass for as long as you can remember, has managed to drag you to the apartment belonging to two of his other friends for a movie. You easily got along with them at the start of the night. Jimin was a little flirty at the start but then he turned into this adorable mochi and a new bestie. Taehyung you immediately deemed weird but so were you. Immediately you were friends with him. Together cuddled up on the couch, two two litre pops, two bowls of popcorn, and chocolate, upon your request, you watched a movie. This being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You all had the lights off and were engrossed into the movie. When it was over you all sat there processing it.

"Dude. When Mikey was like. Woah and then it just. Wow," Jimin says not processing a full sentence. You laugh and throw a pillow at him.

"Form a proper sentence dumbass," You comment laughing.

"This is Jimin after a movie. He can't," Jungkook says. You guys sit silently for a moment then Taehyung randomly laughs. You all glance at him wondering what he is laughing at but you know better than to question.

"Someone needs to get up and turn on the lights," You say. The guys groan. No one wants to get up.

"Hey princess?" Jungkook starts in a sweet voice. They all have ultimately decided you are their princess and won't let anything happen to you.

"No," You state recognizing the tone. He's trying to sweet talk you.

"Please," Jimin joins in.

"No," You say crossing your arms.

"Please," Jungkook and Jimin whine together. You open your mouth to say no then Taehyung laughs again. You all glance at him. He clearly isn't paying attention to you three.

"No," You go on focusing back on Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin leans in close.

"Pretty please. I'll dance later for you," Jimin says.

"You know that doesn't work on me dumbass," You mutter pushing his face away. Jungkook gives up and gets up. He goes and turns on the light. The you hear Taehyung's laughter clear again.

"Okay. I'm probably going to regret asking but Taehyung. What the absolute heck are you laughing about?" you ask. He immediately stops laughing and looks at you dead serious.

"Meenage. Tutant. Neetle. Teetles" Taehyung states. You stare at him before looking at Jungkook and Jimin. You glance at each other and back to Tae before breaking into laughter.

"What the actual, heck," Jungkook manages to get out between laughs.

"I just thought of it," Taehyung says smiling. You smile back.

"This is why I hang out with you guys. Girls can be psycho and petty. You are just funny," You comment. Eventually you all calm down.

"Hey! How about a game of twister," Jimin suggests. You take a breath.... That can only end in two ways. Really hilarious and good or horrible and bad. You don't want to find out.

((To be continued after a J-hope one shot then Jin one))

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