Regular ~ Min Yoongi

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You and your older brother Jin owned a small cafe together. You had enough business to keep yourselves happy and the business running smoothly. You had your regulars whose orders you still can't remember. All except one male you found extremely cute. He always came for and iced americano. You knew he was a college student like you. You worked whenever you weren't studying or in class. You encountered the male once on campus. You had seen him rushing towards the music building as you were rushing towards the building for cooking. You never saw him again outside of the cafe.

You sit looking at the time. Today has been unusually slow but it's nearing the time when He shows up.

"(Y/N)! His car just pulled up!" Jin calls to you from where he is washing a table.

"Right," you say snapping back to reality before turning and making an iced americano. Just as the male walks in you place down his drink giving him a smile.

"The only order I can remember," You say smiling at the male. He's the one regular you haven't shared names yet. 

"The only reason I still come here," the male says smiling a tiny bit back. "You make it the best. I don't know why," he adds paying you.

"I'm glad you do," You say. He is about to say something when his phone rings. He answers he turns to walk out the door. Before he leaves he gives you a small wave.

"How have you two not planned at date yet," Jim comments suddenly beside you as you stare at the door.

"Why haven't you asked Namjoon next door yet?" You comment back. Jin pushes your shoulder and you two go back to work.

{3 days later} 

"Kim Cafe. What can I get you," You say using your default greeting on the certain male regular the moment he walked in despite having a big smile. He raises an eyebrow then gives you a set look knowing you are messing with him.

"Okay okay," You say with a laugh and get his iced americano. Before you can say anything the phone rings. Jin answers but it's for you. You answer and multitask to finish the males order.

"Keep the change," he says handing you a ten dollar bill. You wanted to object but are focused listening to the call. You ring in his order and pocket the change. The male goes and sits and keeps glancing at you like he's waiting to talk to you. You finish the call and head into the back you take your apron off and pull your hair from a ponytail up into a bun. You turn to where the male was but see him gone. 

"Jin-ah! I have to leave!" You say to your brother. He nods and you hurry outside to catch a bus. You fail to notice you got on the same bus as the male. He was surprised to see you run on and take the standing room right by the door. He understood you must be in a hurry. He was even more surprised to see you get off at the same spot. College. 

"Come on Yoongi… you need to tell her...tomorrow," he mumbled to himself before going to his classroom. 

{The Next Day}

"Jin. Why are there no peopleeee," you whine to your brother. You had maybe three customers all day.

"A Starbucks opened up down the street," Jin sighs making you sigh. Of course Starbucks would steal your business. You only had your regulars in today except for one. He was due to walk in any time now. 

The bell on the door chimes signalling the arrival. You turn and smile seeing just who it is.

"The regular who thankfully didn't abandon us for Starbucks," you say with a small laugh.

"I need my regular and ...hmm… What would you order? It's a surprise for someone special," The male says.  You can't help but feel a pang of hurt when you get his iced americano. You couldn't help yourself. You had gained feelings for the regular. 

"I would get the mint milkshake with a pump of vanilla," You say setting down his americano. He nods and you make the mint drink.

"Seven dollars exact," you say to the male. He gives you a ten and you give him his change. You can't hide the sad look on your face. He notices and gives you a smile. 

"Think you could take a break and have this with me?" He says holding up the mint drink. Your eyes widen. He just conned his way into buying you a drink and coaxing you into a break without you knowing its you.

"Of course she can! Go shoo!" Jin comments pushing you away from the counter. You blush a bit and go around and join the male. You choose a small table as far from your brother at the counter as you can.

"I'm Yoongi by the way," Yoongi says rubbing the back of his neck before taking a drink.

"(Y/N)" you softly say back. You two break off into a long conversation. You don't realize it's time for you and Jin to close.

"Okay. Share a kiss then it's time for us to close," Jin says walking up to you two. Both you and Yoongi immediately get flustered. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," Yoongi says before giving you a smile and leaving. 

"So when's the wedding?" Jin asks. You glare at your brother then clean up. You can't wait to see Yoongi again tomorrow.

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