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(gonna be in stiles pov but also like third person pov unless said otherwise)

They all walked towards the lockers grabbing stuff they needed and went to class the students were staring at the four of them like candy but they didnt really care "so training or movie night tonight" i asked "MOVIE NIGHT" the three of them yelled together getting weird looks from a few people "geez dont make me loose my hearing" i joked "sorry not sorry" kira smirked "im sorry idiot" jackson joked "hate you jackass i mean jackson" i smirked "sorry and also" allison said as she slapped the back of my head "Hey what was that for" i half yelled but before they could say anything the bell rang and we all sat in our sits in the back


"Finally" i say dramatically as we stood in the lunch line to get pizza since today was pizza day "oh dont be so dramatic" kira laughed "so have you called your siblings yet" allison asked "yeah and when can we meet them" jackson asked "and when can we show scotts pathetic pack how strong we actually are" kira asked "well i called them this morning so they should be here in a few days since they have stuff to do but we can have our own fun like this" i said before making a few snakes come from the kitchen making everyone scream and run out the doors "and now we wont have school till tomorrow" i added smiling "MOVIE NIGHT THEN" we all laughed before we all got up grabbing our stuff and walking to our bikes and putting there helmets on before starting there bikes "FIRST ONE THERE GETS TO PICK THE MOVIE" i yelled as i took off they follow after me and we are all racing to get the to mansion after we get there we all put our bikes away laughing and going to change into comfy clothes so the boys were wearing sweatpants without a shirt and the girls were wearing sweatpants and a sports bra and we were all fooling around as the movie started


kira was the first one up before waking everyone else up "lets skip and just train and have a bonding day" kira suggested and everyone agreed and went to the basement which was a huge gym as soon as we walked in music started playing and we went to our normal spots to workout for a while


jackson made food and we all ate before changing into different outfits and going to the mall for the girls since they wanted to get new clothes and me and jackson got stuck coming "want to find something for our rooms" i asked jackson and he nodded and i texted kira that we were going to pick stuff out for our rooms before the boys walked out of the store and to the bedroom store and got stuff for everyones room "i wonder how much stuff the girls got" jackson said "no clue but knowing girls then about 100 bags" i joked jackson laughed and we put the bags in the car before going to find the girls and we passed scott and his pack and found the girls both holding 4 bags and we grabbed them from the girls before we all went to the car and went home and the girls went to their rooms to out their clothes away while i looked at jackson "video games?" i asked him "heck yes" he laughed and we ran to the game room and started to play video games not realizing what time it was till the girls made up come away from the games for dinner

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