roi des farces

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fred and George going back and forth
Mind link
Mischiefs demonic voice

Mischiefs P.O.V

I woke up with percys head resting on my chest before I went to move but couldn't since percy had cuddled into me even more "sea prince wake up" I whispered shaking him "mhem" percy said starting to wake up "come on I need to take a shower" I said rolling over so i could get up since percy had let me go

"mwkay" percy said and i could tell he was still asleep so i went over to my bathroom and took a shower before changing into a hoodie and pajamas pants and walked back out with a hood on my half fluffy hair as i walked over to percy "percy wake upp" i sung gently as i gently shook his shoulder he let out a groan as he slowly woke up rolling over as he slowly opened his eyes

"come on sea prince" i said before picking him up

*last night with harry and the twins*

Ravens P.O.V

"so what was your twin talking about" fred and george asked and I leaned against the wall looking at the ceiling "uhhhhhh well" I said before sighing "he was talking about mates" I said "why were you guys talking about mates" they asked confused

"because i got two and their twins" I said moving and face planting into my bed "and most people think they have red hair and brown eyes but they really have brown hair and brown eyes" I said and im pretty sure they realize who I was talking about

"Wait your our dom mate?" they asked and I turned and looked towards them nodding before returning to having my face into the bed and let my wings come back out since i had hid them after showing my real appearance

"I know you must be disappointed" I said and next thing i know two people have jumped on the bed curling into me as i let my wings rest ontop of them "we aren't disappointed" Fred said "we were hope it would be you since we have had a crush on you since the first time we met" george said

"okay" I smiled as I put a arm around both of them and hummed as we all fell asleep

I really dont know what to put

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