mischief srrly?

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Mischiefs P.O.V
"i know there awsome" i joked smiling before getting two stakes to the heart "knew it" i said before passing out but before i hit the ground i teleported somewhere else by accident which turned out to be the middle of camp half-blood which caused people to scream as people rushed me to the med cabin and they took the stakes out which made me wake up but i wanted to sleep so i just went to sleep anyways once i woke up i saw someone asleep in the chair next to the bed and pinned them to the wall waking them up "what th- mischief?" percy asked confused on how i was up "heyo" i laughed smiling not realizing i still had him pinned to the wall as i let my wings disappear before letting my fox ears and tail come out (he can pick from 1-9 of how many fox tails he wants out) "seriously mischief" percy said "yup" i laughed staring at his eyes "you a evil dork and also can you let me go now" percy asked "hmm okay" i said letting go of him but not moving "really" he asked "yup now lets go" i laughed heading to the door "and i just realized midnight is gonna kill me for disappearing" i groaned as we headed to the middle of camp before there was a huge flash "i dont want him" midnight said throwing klaus at me making me fall and hit the ground with him on top of him "also imma kill you later" he added before disappearing "great also you okay klaus" i asked as we both got up "yes but mind explaining where i am" klaus asked "demigod camp and yes i know you know who i am" i said before laughing at klaus face since he was confused on how i knew "oh yea you still have no idea what im the god of" i said as i looked at percy "while im the god of mischief, and also god of the forgotten gods or dead gods so i can use any of there powers but barely do" i said before letting my tail disappear but let my ears stay as i we "cool" percy said "i thought you were only the god of mischief" klaus asked confused as some people looked at us "nope so this is my actual form" i said letting my wings out before going high up in the air before mist started to form around me i let myself grow 2 feet taller before my wings grew longer with my clothes changing into all black assassin like clothes my tail turned into 9 as they grew before another pair of wings appeared that were falcon wings appear as his right outer part of his eye glowed a sunny yellow and his left outer part of his eye glowed a moony whiteish color before horns and a halo appeared before he let out a howl and the mist around him disappeared and he landed on the ground and everyone looked at him in shock as he landed "that was one of my actual god forms" i laughed turning back to my human form but left my ears out and only went down a foot so i was still a bit taller then everyone and i was still dressed in assassin like clothes as i let some weapons appear "wait i just got the best idea so klaus hold still this may hurt" i said before putting my hands on his forehead before both my eyes and his turned a silverish color smoke as we slowly started to float and kept going higher and higher till we were away from anything before a grey smoke exploded from us and i got changed into one of my actual god forms before klaus let out a howl of pain before he started to grow falcon and eagle wings, a tail that was always changing, wolf ears, and flashing all different colors before we both passed out as we floated down our wings helping us landing softer

will update soon but im busy rn

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