Evil Matchmaker *day 1*

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Mischiefs P.O.V

I yawned as my alarm went off and turned it off, turning to look at percy as I smiled "hey baby can you let me go?" I asked gently since he was still mostly asleep

"Nuuuuu you warm" he said pulling me closer to him "okay you leave me no choice" I smirked before starting to tickle him making him let go as he laughed

"okay okay" he laughed so I stopped and kissed him "Now I have to get ready for school" I pouted before disappearing to shower and get ready

*After he showers and gets dressed*

I walked back into the room and saw that percy had fallen back to sleep "bye love" I said kissing his forehead before grabbing my stuff and heading down to grab a snack then head to school

'so guess its time to get my siblings with their soulmates' I smirked grabbing a blood bottle and a apple and started to eat as I thought about how to get my siblings with their mates

'first Ill match midnight then maybe klaus for today' I smirked 'oh yes that is a great idea' I thought as I planned what to do lets just say im not going to class and im most definitely not kidnapping two people

I waited for midnight to come down before knocking him out and thankfully nobody else is up "sorry bro" I whispered as I cast something on him so he couldnt use his powers which most definitely didnt make his wings say out

I teleported to one of midnights hide out and put him on a bed smirking as I used magic to take his shirt, shoes and socks off before casting a spell so that they couldnt leave the room without at least kissing

"now to get his mate" I chuckled before quickly making a blindfold appear on him before teleporting to school "now where are you danny"

I walked into school after turning invisible and looked around before the bell rang telling people to head to class so I started to walk to dannys first hour to see if I could catch him before he got to class

as I turned the corner I smirked as I saw danny walking to the classroom and no one around him so I quickly teleported next to him before turning him invisible too and knocked him out

"gotta danny boy" I whispered before teleporting to where I put midnight and placed danny next to him before making his shirt, shoes and socks disappear and reappear next to midnights clothes

"Wakie wakie guys" I said evilly as I made them start to wake up "wakie wakie boys" I said again before teleporting away to match up my brother and his mates

"Hey klaus" I said making him turn around before I knocked him out "whyd you knock him out?" a voice asked and I looked over at elijah "Im locking him in a room with his mates?" I said

"okay" he shrugged and I smiled before teleporting to one of klaus's hideouts and put him on his bed before putting a blindfold on him before teleporting away

"cough cough" I said smirking as damon jumped and turned around but I just knocked him out "cya" I told the people he was near (what I forgot their names)

I teleported back to where klaus was and put damon next to him "geez teleporting so much is killing me" I sighed before making both of their shirts disappear and same with their shoes and socks

"one more to go" I said before putting up a thingy so they couldnt leave without kissing and they also couldnt kill the other before teleporting to where the third mate was

"Geez why to much magic" I said to myself as I leaned against a wall for a sec before looking at everyone who where all staring at me in shock "okay kids you all have a free period cause ima steal mr night bat here" I smirked

"really mischief" A voice asked and I turned and stared at him "yes cause im getting mates together got a problem with that raven" I asked crossing my arms "Nope just dont kill him hes a good potion master" he laughed

"Got it raven anything else or can I knock him out" I asked and raven shook his head "wait what I didnt agree to anything" snape said "I know" I smirked before knocking him out

"bye raven cya whenever" I laughed before teleporting away and to where klaus and damon were and placed snape next to them

"I think imma sleep after this" I said before using magic to make snapes robes go away so he was in pants and also made his shoes and socks go away

"Wakie Wakie guys" I said evilly as I made them start to wake up "wakie wakie boys" I said again before teleporting back to my room and used magic to make my shirt, pants, shoes and socks disappear before flopping on my bed next to percy

"you okay there babe" he asked "used to much teleporting over long and short distances" I sighed my face buried in a pillow before I felt him move me so he was holding me

"go to sleep then, whiskey" he said running his head through my hair "okay sea eyes" I yawned before slowly falling asleep


who should rebekah be with?

who should kol be with?

who should elijah be with?

also if you want a character in my book then just place it here and you may be able to have your character in the book if you want

Don't question how I did this in a hour or two anyways night yall

anyways peace out
-ace (for the first time I actually label it)

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