letter two

115 10 8

dear calum,

so i was in the car today, and the song came onto the radio calum, the fucking song. i was so devestated and i cried why did it have to bring back so many memories. i nearly crashed the car into a tree and trust me i wanted to.

i was sobbing so much and I had to pull over, guess where I ended up? Right infront of your old house God damn and I didn't even mean to, I did though get out my car and scream and kick the picket fence that you always hated because you would trip over it and fall onto the grass when we tried to sneak home after being out. Guess I'll be paying your mum some money later to fix that.

im acting like your gone forever, I guess you kind of have because that day you left, I lost a part of myself. when you gave up on me I gave up on myself too and I am so lonely without you calum.

im so lost and Mum has told me to move foward, but how can I move foward when I don't know which way I'm facing

sometimes I wish I could have just come with you, like Liz did. And then maybe I would still have my 4 bestfriends.

when you told me you were leaving and I told you it was fine, I shouldn't have said that. because it wasn't fine at all. (don't quOTE AMNESIA OR ILL CUT YOU) it's not fine leaving a person that cares for you so much, and when you mean the world to them.

one day you'll come home and people will say everything will be okay again. but how could it, do you even think of me?

I love you Calum Thomas Hood, and it's eating me alive.

with love Kira x


Kira frowned placing yet another letter in her shoebox, she really missed Calum. Even though she sometimes hated the way he acted, she loved him so much. Luke knew how Kira felt about Calum, but he swore he would never tell Calum. now all the boys are gone.

and that's what hurt.


hey how you doing kiddos, im on a writing spree so yay yay yay.

delivered ; hoodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin