The Encounter

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For the entire next two days Caia was nervous, waiting for Steve Creston's call. Late on the evening of the second day, her cell phone rang with his name displayed on the screen.


"Hello Caia."

"You OK? How'd things go with the audition?

"Not great. I lost the part to this Asian guy. The producers are trying to be, you know . . . more race balanced with the series."

"I'm sorry."

"He was good I guess, But so was I. And yeah, that sucks. They promised to look at me again for some small parts coming up later in the project. But still it was a real crash and burn."

"Well, you know that means you've got another part now . . . that pays much better."

"Yeah. I'm game for it, Caia. Let me know how to get started."

"Alright. I know Mireille goes to this exclusive gym in Santa Barbara. I'll put you up in a hotel near there for as long as you need."

"You serious? I guess you really want this sting to happen to your sister, huh?"

"It's all about that, Steve. And I'm counting on your charm and acting skills to really make it happen."

"Alright then. Those two things I can promise."

"Good. You're going to register at her gym. It's called Beverly's Body Works." You'll be the new cute guy all the women there will drool over, trust me. You'll play it cool with her at first. Don't give her much attention right away, OK? She goes there every afternoon for two hours. Get her to want your attention. Then, when you're both good and sweaty after a few visits, start talking to her. Let her know you're an actor. But stay mysterious. Let her come to you."

"Yeah, Caia. I know how you beautiful girls are. A bit stuck -up, but secretly . . . as curious as cats."

"Well . . . I guess I won't be offended by that. But this is one wealthy, spoiled cat you'll be dealing with, Steve. Her only weakness is confident, attractive men. So play up that role up. I'm giving you the first week to break the ice with her in the gym. Then ask her out. I have some ideas where to take her. Places she'll melt in your arms if you play her right."

"Sounds pretty hot."

"Right. Make it hot . . . but slowly, Romeo. Hold back on the first kiss . . . and all that other stuff I'm counting on you know how to do."

"Got it."

"You'll be staying at the Four Seasons Resort. The Biltmore, there in SB. Everyone knows it's exclusive and one of the best in the town. You'll be in the Riviera Room for as many nights as you need. I'm also arranging a rental car for you when you get to the city. Can you handle driving a Porsche Carrera GT?"

"Are you kidding? . . . Yeah! No problem."

"Good. When you finally get to the point of taking her back to your room . . . hopefully in the next week, I'll bump you up at the hotel to a suite. Mireille just really loves suites. But that's another story." There was a detectable anger suddenly in Caia's soft voice.

"Wow. That's very cool. It'll be great to get out of LA for a while . . . I've gotten to hate that town."

"Everyone does eventually, Steve. But trust me. You'll love your new home up here in Santa Barbara for a while."

"I'm sure I totally will, Caia . . . Now look. There seems to be a lot of money involved in this whole production. You sure you can cover it?"

"I'm good, Steve. Money is not an issue with me or Mireille. That's another long story.  It's this ios about revenge, OK? That's all you need to know."

"Alright then. So when do I go to work?"

"I'm booking you into The Biltmore tomorrow mid-day. At the desk will be a sealed envelope waiting for you. Some cash in it. It's for food and to join up at Mireille's boutique gym that evening. Remember, Beverley's."


"Oh, they're going to love you there, trust me. But flirt with no one in the beginning. Just get into the program seriously. And then slowly, give Mireille a bit of your sexy attention."

"Got that."

"I think you know already what she looks like . . ."

Steve was silent. Imaging Mireille's lovely face and body in the gym. A carbon copy of Caia's.

"Now, she also loves compliments. But use them sparingly. Until you're ready to spring the trap and ask her out. Right?"

"God. I'm so ready for this!"

"Remember, Lover Boy. With Mireille's money and looks, she could have any guy in the world. Literally. So be special. Be distant. Mysterious. Then . . . it's all up to your charm. I'm counting on you."

* * *

As prescribed by his newest employer, Steve Creston left the next morning from Los Angeles and drove up the coast to Santa Barbara. He checked into the Four Season's Hotel on the beach by that afternoon. He told the front desk It would be for an unlimited period of time. He was immediately amazed by the way he was treated by the staff and ultimately impressed by the beauty and exclusiveness of the place. It did not take him long to put his two weeks wardrobe away and enjoy the premises of the hotel, inside and out. And it was not hard for him to imagine this was the lifestyle of world-class actors.

By the early evening Steve arrived at Beverley's Body Works. It was housed in a large private residence overlooking the coastal city. As he introduced himself to the receptionist and paid the $200 deposit toward the full membership fee, the regular clients were just filing in, wearing their colorful array of yoga pants and athletic clothing. Twelve or so young to middle age women entered smiling and chatting, and among them were a few well-groomed and physically fit men. The class passed into a wooden-floored dance area with their rolled exercise mats under their arms. As Steve perused all the women carefully—several looking to be possibly models or at least well-conditioned professionals, he did not see the likeness of Caia anywhere.

As he went into the changing room and came out wearing his own workout clothing—sweatpants, a matching T-shirt and trainers, suddenly a young woman ran by him quickly so as not to be late for the warm-up session. Steve followed her into the large, high-ceiling room just as the powerful wall speakers began to pump out an airy slow beat for stretching exercises. He positioned himself forward in the room and casually looked back at the young woman, who like himself, had just entered late.

Glancing back at him with a brief, vague interest was the same beautiful face he had seen sitting across from him at Caia's turquoise swimming pool, only days before. It was none other than Mireille, the alluring facsimile of her sister. Steve immediately looked away, strategically showing her no particular interest. The fit instructor arrived smiling and soon the group was moving across the floor repetitively as one well-shaped and active organism.

* * *

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