I Need You (Part 6)

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As you were coming home from work someone tapped on your shoulder when you turned your head you seen that it was a young boy.

He had a blue star shirt and a pink jacket. He had a worried look on his face. He said have you seen this gem!! He held up a picture of a purple gem. You said no I haven't but if I do I'll let you know. When he was about to leave he notice something behind a building.

You looked behind you and saw Spinel watching you. Spinel and the boy made eye contact. Sp-Spinel he said with a shocked voice. She walked towards you and said Hi Steven with a low voice. Steven so that's this boy's name.

Steven looked at you and said wait you know her!! Yes I do know her she lives with me you responded with. Spinel why did you come back here what happen. Spinel looked away with an very sad expression. Then she looked at you and said can we go home now.

You looked at Steven and he looked at you. Yea we can go home now. You said looking at Steven and then you and Spinel started to walk home together. Steven was still standing there with his hand out and very sad. Then Steven turned around and started to walk the other deration.

(Well that was sad....Anyway subscribe to me on YouTube my channel is called giggle biggle and no it's not <Toy Reviews> My profile is a cat a black on with purple eyes and a white kit next to her. Ok we'll stay laughing my giggles)

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