I Need You (Part 10)

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Spinel got up...out of shock. "Y-you love me?" Spinel questioned. You standed there looking at her thinking wait why did I say the so suddenly. She started to laugh. You were just standing there confused.

"Why are you laughing?" You asked. "Because your the first person to say that." She responded. She just kept laughing. You felt embarrassed as she kept laughing. She went closer to you and kissed you on your cheek.

A Few Hours later. You Were making dinner trying to stop thinking of what happened earlier. Spinel was just sitting watching TV smiling. "Dinner's ready!" You yelled to Spinel. You both were sitting at the table and then something rushed into your mind.

You jumped up and scared Spinel. "HOLY F*CK I ALMOST FORGOT!!" You yelled. "You need a dress for the wedding." You said to Spinel. ".....dress?" Spinel questioned. "Good think Ross doesn't close. Spinel was so confused.

After you both got done eating you went up stairs and got dressed to go to Ross. When you both got to there and went into the store a lot of people was looking at Spinel. Spinel grabbed your arm getting scared. "Since your shirt already looks like a dress I'm just gonna give you a skirt.

You picked out skirt for her. She went into the changing room. (Just to not make this part of the story long you picked out a skirt with bows on it and you liked it and bought it) When you guys got home you got ready for bed and went to sleep.

(Hey guys sorry for the short story but I couldn't think of anything else....no I am not quiting on the story I just need Ideas!.... So yea....Stay laughing my giggles)

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