I Need You (Part 9)

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When you two got home and before you got into your house you stopped Spinel and turned her towards you."Spinel....thank you for everything." You said looking her deeply in her. "What are friends for." Spinel responded blushing and has her hand on the back of her head. (I said I was going to stop with these puns!!)

You just stand there looking into her eyes for a long time. "Um [y/n] are you ok?" Spinel said. You snapped out of it and said "Oh yea sorry let's get into the house." You opened the door and did a gentleman bow and waved your hand for Spinel to go in.

Spinel looked out you and blushed while she was walking in. When you got in you put your brown old jacket on a hat holder. Then Spinel said this out of the blue and scared you "HOW!! Bout I help you around the house!" You responded with "whaa?"     "You know help you around like cleaning."

"Are you sure? This house is a big on." Spinel spinner around and then stopped and winked with her hand out, "You can count on me!" You laughed then said "Alright then." You went upstairs to change in your room, you looked at the calendar and you say that you sister wedding was tommorow.

"Oh I completely forgot!!" Spinel was leaning against the wall and then she said "Forgot about what?" (Ok before we continue tell me what you think is going to happen in part 10) you were in your underwear when she popped up.

"Spinel!!!" You yelled. "What?" She responded. She looked at your whole body and she started to blush and he whole face went red. She covered her eyes and said "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" and she ran. You closed the door and locked it and sighed.

When you got done changing you went back downstairs and saw Spinel holding her face and blushing. You heard her saying "What is this feeling?!" "What's happening" "Why do I feel like this"
"Spinel?" You questioned. "[Y/N]!!" She responded.

"Were you standing right there the whole time!" She questioned. You responded with "well I heard a little of what you said and that feeling you are getting is love. Your heart started to pump as you are looking in her eyes. "Spinel...I have something to confess."

Spinel face was red and her eyes were locked on to yours "I...l-love you...." Spinel eyes widen and she got up....( To Be Continue....)

(This is getting good who's with me!!! and what do ya guys think is going to happen in part 10 tell me in the comments. Stay laughing my giggles)

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