I Need You (Part 11)

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When you both woke up you got ready for the Wedding and started to walk to the wedding."Ok Spinel these are people you haven't seen before so be on your best behavior." You said to Spinel.

"I'm not 5" she responded. You stop and asked. "Wait how old are you?" She responded with "6,000 years old." You just standing there and questioned life and then you tried to forget what just happened and kept on walking.

(Don't feel like doing this whole scene so I'ma just....) Wedding guy:do you take this woman to be your wife. Guy:I do Wedding Guy:Do you take this man to be your husband Your sister:Yes Wedding Guy:You may kiss the bride *smooch*......................(XD)

You finally got to your sister and her husband and said "Congratulations on your marriage." "Thank you" your sister responded. You both hugged. She looked over at Spinel and Spinel was looking at her too. They both looked like they wanted to kill each other.

You coughed. "So are you gonna introduce me to this lucky fellow?" You asked her. "I told you his name already but Luke meet [y/n]" You both shook. "Whose this Young ladies over here" Luke asked. I wouldn't say young you were saying in you mind. "This is Spinel" You responded. Spinel waved her hand. "Nice to meet you" Luke said while shaking her hand. Spinel didn't say anything.

When you guys got done saying hi and talking you both went to go say hi to some more people. When you both were walking away Spinel heard this. "Ugh that girl is crazy, he just should of left her into a home *laughs*" Spinel started to get angry and started to cry too. Your sister just kept saying bad stuff about her then Spinel just swong around and streched out her arm and put her hand around Your sister's neck   bringing her to the sky. "If you have something bad about me to say!! Say it to my face!!" Spinel Yelled. Everyone was getting scared of Spinel. "SPINEL STOP!!"  She realized what she was doing and put her down gentle. She was looking at everyone and they backed up a little. You said this while about put your hand on one of her shoulders  "Spinel...are you" Spinel Swong around a punch you.

She was crying a little she didn't mean to hurt you. She ran out of the building. You got a black eye from that punch. You got up and chased her. Steven was talking to the crystal gems then They saw Spinel running then saw you chasing after her calling her name.

You grabbed her arm and she stopped and stared at you. "Let me go" she said to you. "Spinel listen" Spinel Punch you hard with her other hand and push you off your feet. "Don't you see [y/n] I'm just gonna hurt you and everyone else...I....I should had never asked to come with you." She turned around to walk probably somewhere far away.

You got up and grabbed her arm once again and turned her around (Before I continue I just have to tell you this I'm going to start playing Wild Animals Online my name will be Giggle or Spinel 😂 oh and Spinel is shorter than you. You and your arm around her waist and picked her up a little. Spinel started to blush "Wha-what are yo-" You kissed her. Her eyes was wide open and then she closed her eyes.

[SPINEL X YOU]❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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