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"I don't think Renjun is going to be very happy

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"I don't think Renjun is going to be very happy." Yuji said, checking her phone at sighing at the numbers on the screen. It was past eight and thought it would be good for her to head home now.
The two of them took a little detour, and had basically talked for hours, aimlessly walking around.
They sat on some steps and Yuji stood up, stretching her limbs.

"I'll walk you home." Donghyuck said, yawning slightly and rubbing his eye.
"No it's alright, I'll be okay." She shook her head, stepping off of the stairs and to the main street.

"I don't care I'm taking you anyway." Donghyuck grumbled and walked in front of her into the direction of her home.
"Are you coming?"

"You really didn't have to." Yuji said as they reached the front door and Donghyuck shrugged as Yuji stepped up on the step to the front door.
"It's alright."

"Are you coming in?" She asked, hopeful and Donghyuck returned it with a shake of his head.
"I don't think your brother would be too happy." He lightly chucked and flinched slightly as rain droplets fell from the sky.
"You're going to get sick, come inside." She urged, putting the key in the lock and twisting it open.
The rain had picked up pace and Donghyuck refused politely.
"I'll see you tomorrow Yuji."

Donghyuck put up his hood and turned on his heels, walking off towards god knows where.
"Donghyuck! At least take an umbrella!" She shouted out above the rain yet her soulmate had already walked out of sight.

"Donghyuck! At least take an umbrella!" She shouted out above the rain yet her soulmate had already walked out of sight

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"Oh my God Yuji? You haven't replied to any of my texts and calls! I've been so worried!" Chae eun shouted down the phone making Yuji roll her eyes.

"I'm actually just settling into Korea, I hope we meet soon." Yuji sighed and pushed herself off the desk chair and onto the bed.

"Yeah, I can't believe we've known each other for what? 4 years and we haven't met yet."

Yuji laughed and remincsed the old memories of how they started off as pen pals.
"Hey, I've got to go school but I'll call you back later okay?"
"Alright babe see you later." Yuji said and the phone hung up.

Hopefully school was smoother this time.

But it wasn't.

On the way to school, she walked alongside Renjun and Chenle when she felt it. The gut wrenching pain shot through her abdomen and left her hollow in pain. Instinctively, she groaned out in pain and gasped out as another sharp pain was now directed to her legs.

Yuji cried out with pain as the sharp hard hitting jabs surrounded her body.
"Yuji?" Renjun asked, frantic at the girl who had fell on her knees, hunched over in pain.
"What is it? Yuji, speak to me."
Yuji swallowed the taste of blood and looked up at her brother.

"I need Donghyuck."

The whole day she waited, yearning to see him to know he was okay- he was okay right? She didn't know and that hurt more

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The whole day she waited, yearning to see him to know he was okay- he was okay right? She didn't know and that hurt more.
It was lunch and Yuji was beyond worried, her gut wrenching and heart sobbing inside her. The adrenaline pulsated in her, driving her forward and subconsciously towards the tables that we're forbidden by others.

Slamming her hands down on the table, the several tattooed boys and breathtakingly beautiful girls turned to look at the girl. A few jumping in shock.

Yeah she's lost it
But did you see them kiss
I guess she's the soulmate
Poor her
Right, I hope she's okay

"What is it?" Eunha snarled out, pissed off at the interruption. Jihee eyed up the girl and then back to her friend, nudging her slightly. Kyungmi rolled her eyes at the girl, not feeling like being a part of drama today.
"What do you want Jiyu?"
"It's Yuji and where is Donghyuck?" She narrowed her eyes at the girl who twirled her hair around her finger. Kyungmi shrugged in response.

Yuji rolled her eyes and a gasp came from another girl.
"Did you just roll your eyes?" Daiyu said, standing up from her seat. Yuji internally groaned, feeling the affects of the soulmate bond hitting her hard, the lack of contact forcing the pain in her body too.
"I said, did you just roll your eyes?" Daiyu spat out, walking up to Yuji, inches away. Yuji didn't shy away however, she only stood up straighter and stared back in her eyes.

Kyungmi gawked up at the girl in shock and also stood up.
"Do you know who we are?"
"Yeah, go run along to your twin." Eunha joined in, angry. Yuji scoffed and wiped the saliva off her face from where Eunha accidentally spat whilst talking.
"I don't really know who you are and I'm not really interested in knowing-"
"Shut up you freak." Kyungmi snarled, grabbing the front of Yuji's shirt.

"Or what?" Yuji taunted, the furious anger pulsating in her veins.
Kyungmi scoffed and gripped the shirt tighter.
"Are you really still talking back?"
"And so what if I am?" Yuji spat back, pushing the girl off her and making Kyungmi fall back into Eunha.
"What the fuck!" Eunha screamed as the drink fell over her.

"You bitch!" Eunha yelled, lunging for Yuji.
They both engaged in a fight, Eunha gripping Yuji's hair as Yuji dug her nails into Eunha's side, making her yelp.
"Get off me!"
"You get off first!"

Eunha was the first to swing, yet Yuji narrowly missed it, beyond angry. Huffing, the breath of harsh air moved the hair out of Yuji's face and she was just about to lunge forward when she was stopped.

 Huffing, the breath of harsh air moved the hair out of Yuji's face and she was just about to lunge forward when she was stopped

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