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Minho had a faint recollection of this happening earlier on in his and Haeun's relationship and knew how brutal it was

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Minho had a faint recollection of this happening earlier on in his and Haeun's relationship and knew how brutal it was.
"You should go find him-" Haeun started.
"No! I can't, I just need to go home-"
"Girl, shut your mouth and go find your man." She snapped, shaking her head and pulling Yuji up and shaking her shoulders.
"We ain't no pussy bitches, if he's your man then fucking claim your man girl. What's the point waiting? Take control and whip him into shape init, it ain't called a soulmate if he ain't for you."

Yuji looked at the tattoo filled girl and nodded her head slowly.
"Uh, but i- thing is I don't think...it's just we don't- I'm-" Yuji stuttered, not knowing how to explain it.
"I don't think he likes me much. He is distant and cold and I thought soulmates are like close." Yuji sighed and sat back on the bench.
Minho nodded, thinking about his best friend.
"You know, Donghyuck is misunderstood. You should spend more time with him."

"I don't know if he really wants me there, he hasn't even told anyone about us." She winced out, gripping her chest again.
"It's like he's embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with me-"
"I'm not embarrassed or ashamed." The voice made Yuji's heart leap and her eyes broke from the floor and to the boy who stood a good distance away.

Yuji didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say exactly because she didn't know if those words were true.
"You said I'm cold and distant and I know i am." He started.
"But I'm your soulmate." Yuji stated, not taking her eyes off him.
Donghyuck's breaths quickened at the next sentences.
"When you look at me...I feel like you look at me like everyone else does." His fists clenched as he thought about it and now Yuji's confusion grew.
Minho and Haeun had now walked away but to the other side of the outside area, a bench a distance away but not within hearing range.

Yuji stood up and turned her body towards him.
"What do you mean?" She asked. Donghyuck shook his head and scoffed lightly.
"No, tell me." Yuji said, walking closer to a reasonable speaking distance.
Donghyuck's shoulders were tense and his knuckles were turning white.

"Like I'm a pathetic waste of space."

Yuji was taken aback by this, heart hurting at his self degradation. Her mouth fell slightly agape, shocked at this.

"Like I have no future, no life. Like you're afraid of me, I'm not stupid, people see me as the typical fuck up." He ranted out, chest rising up and down rapidly.
Yuji took steps towards him, standing directly in front of him when the bell rang for the end of the day.
She looked up at him and her expressions had softened.

"Donghyuck...you're none of those. You aren't a fuck up, you aren't a pathetic waste of space. I promise you, you have immense worth, you are capable of so much- you have so much to give and I know that even if I haven't known you long. I know you have a great heart because you showed it to my briefly but you shut me out again." She spoke, surprising herself at the burst of Korean she didn't know she knew.

"I don't want you to shut me out, I want you to let me in." She murmured softly.
"Because i want my soulmate, I want you. You aren't worthleess, Fuck what others say about you, I need you."

By this point students from the whole school came piling out and many were watching as the two conversed, not knowing what they were speaking about.

Renjun had walked out with the others and stopped once he saw his twin with her soulmate, wondering why everyone was watching.

Donghyuck's heart warmed immensely and the amount of happiness and love was indescribable and he could not even put it into words.

Instead he stepped forwards and tilted her chin up to capture her lips in a kiss.

A kiss announcing his love to everyone.

A kiss announcing his love to everyone

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