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THE SILENCE LASTED all of three seconds before the room was once again overcome by the chaotic noise taehyung had grown accustomed to. it was something he began to welcome, since it meant he was in the same space with some of his most favourite people in the world.

he appreciated the contagious, high energy that flowed through the room and made itself visible in the photographs he took. those always turned out to be some of his best work.

the attention was on raheem ashford, summer's best friend, and hoseok. they were locked in a house of cards building battle, both trying their best to construct a stable pyramid out of a deck of cards as fast as possible. the group of friends was split in two, each side rooting for their favourite contender, encouraging them with creative chants and cheers.

taehyung, however, had his eyes on someone else. autumn. her dark curls were held up in a pineapple by a hair band lost in the tresses. the camel coloured turtleneck sweater she wore over loose jeans only complimented the bronze tones of her skin even more.

the smile that etched itself on his lips had almost become a reflex action to seeing her. he chuckled when her eyes rounded animatedly as hoseok got closer to completing his pyramid. she grabbed on to jimin's arm, squeezing excitedly on the fabric of his sweater. the two began another chant to spur hoseok on.

the camera that never left his side sat comfortably in his hands, taehyung took a picture of the bubbling scene. observing the shot, he grinned at just how much happiness oozed out of it. and autumn seemed to have abandoned her worries for the moment, pushing them aside to thoroughly enjoy this day.

he leaned against the wall, watching quietly as hoseok carefully propped the last two cards against each other at the top of the pyramid. the silence spread through the room, everyone watching with bated breath to see if it would hold or topple over.

again, taehyung found his eyes settling on autumn. her knuckles had paled as she held on even tighter to jimin's sweater – he was certain the fabric would slack under that much pressure. her gaze was fixated on the careful movements of hoseok's deft fingers, her lips parted the slightest bit in anticipation.

"when are you going to tell her?" the hushed voice made taehyung jump. turning his head to the side, his widened gaze fell on yoongi. "tell who what?" taehyung blinked, palm rubbing at his chest in an attempt to ease his frantic heart.

the older boy's gaze shifted to their large group of friends. "how long has it been since you began to look at her like she was the north star on a lost, gloomy night?" he mused. taehyung didn't respond, casting his gaze downwards. "it's been about seven years since you stopped seeing her as only a friend." yoongi smacked his lips lightly. "and it's been three years since that incident." he added, making his friend completely stiffen.

"won't you agree with me that it's high time you both rid yourselves of the albatrosses round your necks? you two have punished yourselves long enough for a sin you never committed in the first place."

taehyung's head shot up then, staring at his friend with rounded eyes. yoongi only smiled at him before walking ahead. "looks like hobi gets to share the wishbone with the birthday boy." he called attention to himself. turning to the victor, he smiled, "you better not pull the longer end or we'll never hear the end of it from jimin."

it took taehyung a moment to realise his hand was jittering like an autumn leaf being toyed with by the wind. he clenched it into a fist, trying to stop it from shaking. a loud ringing filled his ears, throwing him even more off balance. autumn's eyes met his then, instantly filling with worry when she noticed how shaken he seemed.

she hurried to him, taking his shaking hand in hers. "tae, what's wrong? you look pale." her fingers brushed wisps of wavy red hair out of his face, caressing his face lightly. he couldn't answer, avoiding her gaze unconsciously.

"come on," she led him down the small hallway quietly. he could only follow, his mind feeling detached from the rest of him. she slipped into one of the bedrooms, gently pushing him onto the bed.

"are you feeling sick?" her palm pressed against his forehead. "you have a slight fever." she noted. he only stared at her as she doted on him, worry written over her features. he could hear his heart so loudly, he momentarily thought it was beating right in his ears. "i'll go get some medicine."

his fingers wrapped around her wrist of their own accord, stopping her in her steps. she turned to look at him in question. he could only shake his head, breaths leaving his parted lips in choppy bursts.

yoongi's words played themselves over and over in taehyung's head, inciting a biting migraine that was gradually gaining momentum as the clock on the wall ticked. eyes shutting, he grimaced as the pounding shifted from his chest to his head.

he felt warm hands wrap around his, her familiar scent teasing his nostrils. it flooded his senses, finding its way through every vein and neural pathway. having a calming effect on him, he found his anxiety dissipating just by her being with him. her fingers laced through his and the bed dipped underneath her weight when she settled down next to him.

ignoring the self-control that limited his contact with autumn, taehyung leaned his head on her shoulder, drawing even more comfort. her free hand coming up, she patted his head soothingly. "it's okay if you don't want to talk about it yet. but whenever you're ready, whatever it is, know that i'll listen."

taehyung took a deep breath. he knew she was being honest, as sincerity seeped out of every word. but he wasn't sure he would ever find the courage to tell her the words that had been eating at his heart for years. the words that would, without a doubt, turn the dynamics of their relationship on its head.

that he was completely smitten by the girl that reminded him of a beautiful potpourri of browns, reds and yellows scattered around the streets, fuzzy sweaters and crisp cool air, pumpkin spice and warm fireplaces, halloween, and the sweet smell of apples and cinnamon.

and how much his heart yearned for the girl who made him fall for fall.

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