Chapter 4: Trouble

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This is getting out of hand...

"Why won't you leave Y/N alone? She didn't even do anything" Lia said

"And Raiden, aren't you dumb enough to pick on girls? What are you? A grade school? Ryujin added making Raiden clenched his fist

"You don't even deserve being called the 'Apex-Alpha' are you?" Lia said giving him an eyebrow

Apex-Alpha, second highest ranking in the school, it goes like this:

Apex-Predator = Tremendous Power
Apex-Alpha = The leader/ Extreme CS
Apex-Luna = Asst.Leader/ High CS
Apex-Hunter = Medium combat skills
Apex-Omega = The rookies/newbies

It seems Raiden already had it as sparks are already visible in his arms.

"Guys please, lets just go, its no use fighting, we're no match for them" I pleaded

"Seriously Y/n? Just because his an Apex-Alpha your already giving up? Use your common sense, our powers verses theirs" Lia said annoyed and I lowered my head

Her water ability really overpowers lightning and fire but with their high combat skills, I doubt it.. things could turn in a matter of seconds

Raiden just smirk saying "ohh.. I'm sorry, no offense but two hunters and an omega isn't really a big deal to me." Eyeing me in the mention of 'Omega'

"Does being an alpha teaches you to blabber that much?" Ryujin stated, as ice started to be visible in her fingernails

"You really are testing my patience are you?" Raiden getting pissed

"Guys, please, we've got to stop!" I pleaded again before things turn ugly

"There's no need to turn back down Y/n, if we won't settle this, right here right now, then they won't leave you alone." Ryujin said determined

"And lets prove to this jackass over hear that rankings doesn't prove who's stronger or not" Lia said as she shifted to her wolf-form, her tails resembles a wave in a sea

"Remember, you started this first" Kaito stated confidently

"Then let's just get this over with"

Great, now its really happening, just great, really great...


Sana's POV:

I wonder where Y/n is, she always leaves the house early, but she already cooked breakfast for all of us.

We arrived at the school with less students, thats odd, but at least it will easier to find Y/n inside this big school

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