Chapter 18: Found You

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n... Y/n wake up... wake up..." I heard a faint but a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and found myself hanging upside down, chains bound to both my arms and legs, but the chains in my hands are connected to the two hanging heavy metal balls stretching my body on both ends. And also a spike chained leash in my neck.

'What is this? Slaughter house?'

"Y/n..." I heard the voice again, and I knew that Jeongyeon is just around here somewhere in this pitched black room. I groaned out "Jeong? Where are you?"

"Y/n, over here" I couldn't pinpoint exactly where she is as her voice echo throughout the entire room

"Don't worry, I'm coming" I tried breaking the chains in my hands, and I was surprised that I break it with ease, like toothpick. I quickly grab hold on its end so that the metal balls won't drop and sound an alarm. With my free hand, I reached out to the chains in my legs, hanging me up.

The darkness inside the room wasn't helping at all. I tried one time and failed, causing for me to sway in midair. I bump into something beside me, no, scratch that,  someone. It let out a groan


"Hmm?" I knew she's still drunk, remembering that waiter earlier boils my blood. 'Oh I'm gonna rip him off'

"Hang in there, I'm coming" literally she is hanging just like me

I tried again one more time and finally hold onto the chain, I was about to snap it until I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

'fuck' I let go off the chain and pretended to be unconscious, with the metal balls chained back to my hands

The door opens and two people came in, and from the strong scent I knew they were vampires.

"Pretty ain't she?"

"You really hit the jackpot"

"Yeah, they said that, that one over there is an Apex-Predator, the one that the prophecy is telling" we already knew who they're preferring to, right?

"Predator you say? Well not so predator now huh? Look how much helpless they are, like a prey to be skinned" they chuckled, this cocky bastards.

"Hey, Lee and Jay, boss is looking for you two" someone called out. Lee and Jay huh? I'll add that to my death list.

"Oh come on man, really? We really want to have some fun now you know"

"Boss' said its urgent, some new girls joined the party"

"Girls you said, well I'm in" and with that they closed the door and once again I tried to break free, I reach out to the chains again and snapped it right away. I fell head first while I tried not to let go of the heavy metal balls that I protected with my body to prevent an alarm.

It makes the fall twice the pain, but then I didn't mind it.  I then carefully break the spiked leash and free Sana from her chains.

"Sana? Sana wake up" I repeatedly tap her cheeks but she's drugged too much that she just groan sleepily

'Aish... what am I gonna do to you Minatozaki Sana?'

Then I remember Jeongyeon, "Jeong? Jeong? Where are you?"

"Y/n, over here" I heard the chains and I instantly smelled her scent, I rushed and held into her "Jeong, your so cold" I worriedly said while I grasp her very cold skin. I free her from her chains and she held me tightly

"Y/n, you came for me, I thought I will never see you again" she said while in tears

"Don't worry Yoo, I'm here, and I'm sorry for being late" I can't see her face in this darkness but I know she's feeling contented, speaking of which

"Jeong, mind if I borrow yours for a sec"
I felt her nod in my chest so I did my magic

I start absorbing her powers as I felt the veins inside my body heat up, I summoned the fire in my hand and somehow it lit up the room slightly, and of course giving Jeongyeon some heat to warm her body.

While she's resting beside me, I can now see the cuts and bruises she had, God knows how much she suffered, I kinda blame myself for this, I should have act right away, I can't forgive myself if something ever happens to her.

"Y/n? I think I'm good to go" Jeongyeon said standing up

"You sure?"

"Yeah, hundred percent"

"Then lets go out of this hell hole" She offered her hand

I picked Sana up and carried her piggyback style.

"Hey Y/n" Jeongyeon called my attention as I looked back


"You look hot on those by the way" she said wearing the biggest smirk

I just giggled and shake my head as I continue walking with Sana in my back and Jeongyeon following behind me

"Eyes up Yoo Jeongyeon"

"Uhh.... yea right sorry"

Dahyun's POV:

There is no way in hell I'm gonna leave them be without us knowing whats happening inside, so I decided to call some of my creepy friends.

I went to a nearby alley and found a friendly neighborhood; Peter

I went back to the two maknaes and saw them eating on a hotdog stand

"Where have you been? Me and Tzuyu are having hotd-ahhhhh!!!" Chaeyoung screamed mid sentence as she hid behind Tzuyu

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME OR ELSE I'M GONNA MURDER THAT SHIT" Tzuyu cried out pointing the hotdog stick at my eight-legged friend

"How mean, he's not 'shit', his name's Peter"

"You named that creepy shit Peter?" Chaeyoung said also pointing her stick like they're gonna cast some spell on it like a wand

"If you're gonna keep calling Peter a shit, then your out of my plan" I angrily spat

"Peter's gonna be my eyes inside the club" I added

"ain't Peter cute?"

"Yea he looks so adorable"

"I never really had Arachnophobia ever in my entire life"

"Yeah me too!"

"Aigoo.... Spiders really are awesome!"

I rolled my eyes at the two. I think I'm matured enough not to be in the maknae line anymore.

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