3 |"Well, what game?"

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[Edited! :)))]

After the boys biked off, Scarlet gazed around the school area savoring how things looked in real life instead of on the screen.

As every other chance she gets to be somewhere you can't, she sees this solely to explore enjoying how the colors of the people and everything contrast to be paler, pastel, and almost plain so she would always stand out. With her black t-shirt and jeans.

She walked along the road following other students coming out of the school. Following them all the way to the Aladdin theatre passing various shops, markets, a freezes ice cream shop which she was definitely planning on going to before she leaves. Of course, she was oblivious to the fact that they were watching her because she was too focused on the sight of an arcade.

She moved up to the entrance revealing her silver braces while she found a couple of games to play. She went to the front counter and exchanged her pocket money for quarters and hit the first game she laid eyes on. Centipede.

Minutes turned to hours and Scarlet wondered how long shes been here. She used up half her money after Centipede on Space invaders, Donkey kong, and Dig Dug which made her the biggest loser, she could never beat her friend's high score but she played Galaga beating a high score of someone named R.T which got her feeling better.

She entered her initials S.A. into the game but stopped catching a shadow in the refection of the screen. She slightly turned around. She could've sworn she saw a kid's head move behind. Scarlet shook the feeling off thinking it was just some other kid with glasses. She walked off turning her back on a particular boy who was disappearing behind a wall.

He's been observing her for a least an hour maybe more. Yeah, it sounds a little creepy watching a girl you've just met a little while ago but every time He looked at her he couldn't figure out this feeling she gave him. He'd get excited? A weird type of excited that made his stomach flip.

He decided to go and make himself known because he didn't want to be creepy- even though he's not and maybe they can have fun playing games together if she likes them. He took a deep breath calming himself down and walked to the counter where she was paying for a small bag of popcorn.

Scarlet gave her money to the cashier popcorn in hand. "Thank you," She said, but before she could turn her full body around she got startled by a boy in big coke bottle glasses who was standing right behind her.

"Richie!" She exclaimed "Jeez you scared me, your um kinda close" He awkwardly stepped back "fuck, uh what are you doing here?" He asked pushing his glasses up.

That's a silly question she thought. Scarlet was about to say something snarky like:
"I don't know Richie I'm taking a shit, and this seemed like a great place" but she stopped herself. She wasn't sure if he had that type of humor and she definitely didn't want to upset him. "Well playing games duh!" She said instead shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"I didn't know girls play games. Must because I was here, couldn't resist me eh?" He laughs making a swooping motion to her side. She swallowed hard on her popcorn quickly to snap a reply back at him. "Sorry glasses but something else was calling my name. The games."

His face had gone suspicious as he smirked "You sure it wasn't me sweetcheeks?" he said which made her raise her chin. "I'm pretty sure it was you who came here and watched me than the other way around," she said to a very bright red Richie. He looked down and away messing with his glasses a little. "Well, how do you even know it was me?" He mumbled.

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