8 |"Come on Loverboy,"

77 8 91

[ I just couldn't wait ;-;
Not edited! ]

The eight of them nodded in agreement.

Yet still looked towards Bill for further confirmation. "S-sure be-Ben." he said getting up from the rocky ground, watching as the rest followed his actions.

Soon the kids split up into different parts of the forest and dressed back into their normal clothes. "Hey, Bunny ears!" Richie called out as he tied on his shoes.

He picked himself up as he pushed his glasses further up his nose to get a better view of Scarlet's backside. She was adjusting her shirt onto her body and still, Scarlet's heart began to melt when he used her new nickname.

"Yeah Trashmouth!?" she shouted, turning around to face him. " Was it sugar that you sat on?, because you got a sweet ass" He winked at her before yelling 'ow!' and cursing at Eddie for hitting him in the shoulder.

"Rich, I still don't understand. What's so wrong with her again?" Eddie whispered at him, his eyes watching Scarlet put on her pants and then bending down to her shoes. 

He quickly looked away and focused his attention back on Richie who was practically drooling over the same thing. "Rich! Richie!" Eddie said.

"What? What was that Eds?" Richie questioned blinking back to consciousness. "Dude you're totally whipped over her! Why does it matter what happened?" Eddie said again helping Richie grab his bike and then his own.

"First of all, piss off! I'm not whipped for her! I- I just think she's badass," Richie stated. "Sure," Eddie commented and Richie continued "Second of all, it matters because what if she actually did run away from home. Why is she even here?" He said rather Harshly. 

He didn't mean to sound agitated by her. He just thought it was strange that if she did run away, why here? And why to them.

"Jeez Rich, I mean what if she didn't actually run away.  It's clear that you like her here, and the others seem to like her to," said Eddie mounting his bike and following the others as Ben led them to his house. 

He stayed close to Richie watching him keep his eyes on her across from them. This boy was head over heels. Eddie rolled his eyes at him again and saw what all the fuss was about.

Scarlet was standing on Beverly's bike with her eyes closed, the wind brushing her pig tales, or what Richie likes to call them her "bunny ears". 

She didn't even have her shoes on as they were held in her hands, but a smile was on plastered on her face showing her silver braces. She looked...cute, really cute, Eddie had to admit. His eyes suddenly flickered to Beverly with her eyes glaring straight back and a small smirk shot at both of the boys.

She speeded up and suddenly did Richie but Eddie followed him grabbing onto his Hawaiian shirt. "Hey, Loverboy! Wait up!" he said letting go of the shirt causing Richie to swerve back. "Dude, what the fuck? I'm not a-"  "Loverboy? Yeah, you are and that's what I'm calling you if Scar gets a shit name your gonna get one too." Eddie cut him off gaining his own balance on the bike.

"O-okay guys we're all most there!" Ben shouted back to everyone trying to turn his head but failed to focus on the road and talk. "Ugh, Its not a shit name, your name is a shit name!" Richie defended himself. It most definitely wasn't a shit name. 

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