11 |"ROCK WAR!"

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[Not edited!]
Btw this is a long one ;)

After the rest of the loser came back from Beverly's apartment they gathered their bikes and started walking.

Scarlet walked beside Beverly's bike as Richie rode his around the 6 of them. "What took you guys so long?" He complained, although it not like he wanted them back, he could've been with scarlet a little longer. 

"Yeah right Richie we all know you loved your time out there," Eddie gave Richie a knowing look and he stirred away. "Oh I get it, trash the trash mouth. I'm not the one imagining her bathroom went all eddies moms vagina on Halloween." He says, changing the subject.

"Sh-she wasn't im-imagining it. I-I saw something too." Bill said, suddenly stopping his bike. "You saw blood too?" Stan asked looking around. "No I saw G-Georgie," quietly replied bill with sadness in his eyes.
"Then tha-there was a-"
"A clown," Eddie states finishing off for bill. "Yeah, I saw the clown too." Scarlet glances at Beverly.

"Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie says in a serious tone. "Shut it Richie we all know you are as much of a virgin as us," Said scarlet, giggling at him. "Not for long," He says and winks at her. 
"Go fuck yourself!" She shot back. "Gladly!"

They kept walking and as they got further down the road Scarlet spots a car on the side of the road. "Beverly" she whispers. "What's up?" Beverly whispers back walking closer to Scarlet so no one would hear. "I saw something. Were going to meet a home school kid just up the road." She states with certainty and points in front of them. Beverly nods and looks up as she sees a car and a crashed bike besides it. "Guys" she mumbles.

"Yeah B-Beverly?" Bill asks who seems to be the only one who heard her. "Can we-"
"oh shit, that's belch Huggins car." Eddie mumbled interrupting Beverly. He directing everyone to look closer at the car. "We should probably get out of here," He adds looking down at his bike. "Wa-wait, isn't that the ho-home sch-chooled kid's bike?" Bill points at a bike that's overturned to the side. "Yes, that's Mike's!" Scarlet says quickly.

"We have to help him," said Beverly urgently as she looks at all of them. "We should?" Richie asks. "Yes!" Beverly shouts as if it's obvious and drops her bike, running to the car and the gang drops their bikes with her.

They walked past the bike and towards where we could now hear the faint yells of Mike and mean growls of Henry and his gang. "Shit!" Scarlet whispered as she looked upon Henry Bowers, getting ready to bash Mike's head with a rock. She looked around for something to throw, but Bev was already ahead, of course. Picking up a heavy one, she threw her  arm launching a rock, hitting Bowers in the head and leaving a mark. "Nice throw" Stan commented as they all readied themselves with rocks.

"You losers are trying too hard," Henry said, standing up straight. "She'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely," he said grabbing his crotch area disgustingly, they all cringed internally and externally. Bowers catches eyes with Scarlet. "You too Brace Face," He yells pointing at her. Richie and Scarlet give him a mad stare.

"You owe me, Scarlet! Its a small price to pay, just come along with me and I can show you what they can't." Henry said licking his lips and laughing with his goons. Scarlet grabs Richie's arm and pulls him to the right side more remembering Richie getting hurt here. He glanced at her confused but paid more attention to bowers. 

Right after that Ben let out a sick battle cry and whipped a rock at Henry, "ROCK WAR!" Richie shouts. A rock flying right past him landing where he was just standing. Mike now beging to craw to the other side where the losers are, as they throw rocks over the stream. He gets to the edge and Scarlet pulls him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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