4 |"Not as sweet as you-"

103 7 54

[Not an updated chapter | Still as A$s$ though]

 "What do we have here." 

A deep sinister voice from the one and only Henry Bower. "Two nerds, one car." Twiddly Dee and Twiddley Dumb laughed behind Twidey Stupid sticking their heads up higher. He rests his arm across the door and chuckles.

"Not this piece of shi-" Scarlet started but Bowers loudly interrupted her- "I think it's time to clean the streets, didn't your parents ever learn not to shove fucking trash on the road?"  He steps on the gas peddle and the car roared. His Crazed look matches his laugh. 

Richie panics and quickly mounts his bike taking her hand. "Get on,"  he says and Scarlet hurries behind him getting on the back of his bike. He starts to peddle faster-gaining speed.

Scarlet looks behind her relieved that there was only a blue truck. They rode in silence, all they could hear was their heavy breathing. Until she heard the laughs "Richie go!" She screeches only to realize he gave them a head start. Bowers floored it and caught up to them in 10 seconds flat.

"I'm Going to kill you!" He yelled getting closer behind the bike. Richie paddled even faster probably ever in his whole life. He took a turn almost swerving taking any path he saw. "Get some new material Champ!" Richie yelled back. 

There wasn't a lot of room on the bike for two to sit and Scarlet could easily fall off. The car was getting so close to the back of the weel that it was touching the hood of the car. "What the fuck!? this wasn't a part of the story!" Scarlet shouted.

"What!?" Richie tried to ask but Bowers shoved the bike forward making the bike bump up. They Chuckled and pushed them again harder this time throwing the bike off balance as well as them off the bike. They swerved, the front wheel turning and Richie went side first along with Scarlet face first on the road.

"Awe Fuck!" Richie groaned pulling himself up only to give up and turn himself around on his back. His arm was scraped and bleeding and his side was aching. Scarlet picked her cheek up from the road leaving sand tiny rocks stuck to her cheek.

Her braided pigtails were out of shape. She took off the backpack that was wearing her down and threw it near Richie. "Fucking losers!!" Henry said throwing leftover cigarettes at them and then finally driving off for the second time.

"I think I just shit my pants" Richie crooked pushing himself up. "I wanna fucking kill his ass," Scarlet said crawling to him. She scoots in front of him grabbing her bag looking for bandages. "Don't leave me out of it" She added. 

She grabs them pulling her head up slamming right into Richie's chin. His head went up like a whack-a-mole "Agh!" He yelled grabbing his chin. 

"Oh my god, Richie! Are you okay? I'm so sorry" She said with more concern than she intended to have. "Yeah I'm okay, are you?" He checked her cheek raising his hand to cup it but quickly pulled away. "U- um it looks like that hurts," he said fumbling with his bike.

"Yeah it does, is your arm okay?" she looked at it through the corner of her eye. "Yeah, just a bruise" he tried to make it as it wasn't s big deal but really it hurts like a buttcheek on a stick.

They got up and dusted themselves off before grabbing the scraped bike. "Wait," Scarlet came to a halt stopping Richie as well. She raised her hand to his face and straightened his glasses at a little more pushing them up. 

She was sure she could see a slight blush on his face but doubted it as just the heat from paddling so fast.  He quietly said thanks and got on the bike. His curls were messy, the face was red and dusty but he looked cute as he smiled at her. She got on the bike holding the bandages and Richie peddled off.

Scarlet felt the summer breeze through her hair as the bike steadily swerved across the ground. The birds trapped and things began to become quieter. She could feel Richie balancing the bike as she held onto his side little wobbles here and there. She laid her head on top of his bike making it easier for him to peddle. She was just about calmed down and closed her eyes but a slight panic hit inside her and she realized where Richie was taking her.

"Hey, Richie" Scarlet asked stiffly turning her head to the other side.
"Yeah doll?" he answered.
"I just remembered, that my parents probably locked me out of the house" She lied not something she wasn't used to she lies all the time, yet this time she felt guilty.
"They locked you out?" He said questionably his tone getting a little louder.
 "Don't you have a spare key?"
"They took the spare key," she said quietly fooling him.

"Well, you can crash at my place if you want to." He said realizing they were already on his street
"Won't your parents mind?" Her braces making a slight lisp noise.

He tried to look over at her but kept his eyes on the road. "No, you won't be a problem don't worry about it." He said quickly and made a turn to his house.

He stopped his bike in front of a maroon house. The paint looked worn out almost pink in some places. It was wide like a cheeseburger not tall like Scarlets and the other houses that she's seen. [I don't know how to describe his house sorry¯\_(:/)_/¯]

She let her arms unwrap on Richie's waist which upset him since she was so close to his waist and the warmth escaped as she carefully stepped off the bike. She walked to the door and laid her hand feeling the softwood.

It looked old and pretty. It felt warm and comforting which made her want to just bust through and feel comforting and safe it would be. That thought and smile suddenly left when Richie parked his bike next to the door and unlocked the door.

He opened it up stepping through. The cold breeze hit her face and a familiar sense grew in her. It felt like her home.  She walked through examining everything to find what the feeling was. It wasn't warm, it wasn't comfortable, and it wasn't safe.

He came through a hallway fixing his glasses "Alright Mrs. Scarlet as my new assistant" he said his voice change into sounding like a drunk scientist. He took the box laying them on a kitchen counter. She put away her bandages leaving her bag and walked over to him taking the box. "New assistant? Was there an old one?" She questioned watching him pull himself up onto the counter. "Not as sweet as you hot stuff" he winks still pulling the accent.

He pushes his glasses up and brings out his hand. Scarlet takes his hand pulling herself up to sit next to Richie on the counter. "Want to get closer I see?" He leans in.  Their noses almost touched but scarlet jumped yo her feet off the counter standing below him now. "Not yet Rich!" She playfully pushed him back and she felt a warm fluttering feeling in her.

He sighed and took out the bandaids. "So Scar, what were you talking about when you said that 'this wasn't part of the story'?" He asked. She gave a half shrug "did I say that out loud?" she asked answering her own question in her head. "Um yeah? what was the problem?" he unpeeled a bandaid putting it on his harm.  She panicked and stepped away

"Um I was just thinking about- ya know a story, and that something my friend from home sid about it. She was like 'yeah this happened' and I was like 'whatttt?? dude No fucking wayyyy?' and so I just remembered back there." she swallowed, mentally face palming herself. Great, she thought. What an excellent lier she was.

She waited for Richie to say "why are you lying to me?" or "You really think I'll get convinced?" but instead he simply said "Really? okay," like he believed every word. Which caused Scarlet's shoulders to relax. Richie narrowed his eyes and handed her a band-aid as his eyebrows rose "what story was it?" he asked. "Umm..." she hesitated to look anywhere but the boy in front of her. 

"Star Wars: A new hope. She thought Tatoonien blew up" Scarlet answered probably with the stupidest shit ever.  "and obviously she was wrong so..." 
"Yeah dumb as fuck Tatooine totally did not blow up," Richie said still in a believable tone as he touched his side. "You sure you're okay?" Scarlet said looking at where he touched. "Yeah but maybe a sweet kiss could fix it?" he smiled.
"Go get that from Eddie's mom!" She laughed. It took him a second because he was sure he didn't make any sexual jokes about Ed's mom or maybe he did and didn't notice it. He chuckled anyway. 

The rest of the night was kinda a blur for both of them. They explored the Television which had like 15 channels. But soon or later the scene changed and Scarlet was asleep next to Richie who was tightly holding her side. It was nearly noon probably 12. Scarlet rubbed her eyes open not fazed that she couldn't remember last night. 

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