A few days off

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It's been two years since the fateful disaster at the concert of zwei wing.

Two years since kanade lost the ability to sing, and two years since hibiki threaded the needle of life.

Y/n had a few days of from work, so he was driving through the city when his interest got peeked by something moving in a three. Y/n pulled over and investigated the three where he saw girl.

Y/n: hibiki! What are you doing up the three?

Hibiki: woah~! Don't scare me like that, Y/n.

Y/n: shouldn't you be at school.

Hibiki: but there is a cat stuck in the three, and it looks scared.

Y/n looked up a bit more and saw a cat sitting in the three.

Y/n: you never change don't ya. Just hurry up, but be careful on the way down.

Hibiki: will do.

Hibiki climbed further up the three to get the cat.

Hibiki: don't worry little one, you're save now.

Hibiki put the cat in her school uniform and climbed back down.

Y/n: great job, now just release the cat.

Hibiki: no, I'm taking him with me he looks hungry.

Y/n: and what about school?

Hibiki: oh crap, I totally forgot about school. Aa~h I'm late!!

Y/n: jump on and I'll bring you to school.

Hibiki: thank you Y/n.

Hibiki jumped on the bike and Y/n handed her a spare helmet.

Y/n: now hold on tight.

Hibiki hold on tight to Y/n's back.

Y/n: *thoughts* damm why did she decided to take the cat with her.

Y/n started the engine and about 15 minutes later they arrived at lydian academy.

Y/n: now hurry up and try not to let it happen again.

Hibiki: sorry and thank you again.

Hibiki jumped of the bike and ran towards the school entrance 

Y/n: hé hibiki! Wait just a second.

Hibiki stopped and turned around.

Hibiki: what is it?

Y/n: my spare helmet.

Hibiki: what about it

Y/n: your still wearing it.

Hibiki: sorry I totally forgot about that.

Hibiki quickly took of the helmet and gave it to Y/n.

Hibiki: thanks again, bye.

Then hibiki ran of to the school before Y/n could reply.

Y/n: what can she be a clumsy girl.

Y/n revved up the engine and took of.

(The next day)

Y/n was getting some groceries for home when suddenly his eyes were covered.

Y/n: what is happening?

???: guess who?

Y/n: well you sound like an angel, so it can't be tsubasa.

???: Haha very funny.

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