Game over

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(Secret base)

Male agent: we triangulated the source of the signal

Female agent: there is another strong signal emitting from the same source, analyzing now.

Ryouko: this is an aufwachen signal.

The big screen revealed the signal. GUNGNIR.

Genjuurou: GUNGNIR?

Tsubasa and kanade looked surprised at each other.

Male agent: putting it on screen now.

Female agent: joker is next to gungnir they're engaging with the noise.

Tsubasa: kanade's gungnir….

Kanade: black beauty?

Genjuurou: tsubasa move out 

Tsubasa: understood.

(Meanwhile at the factory)

Y/n: hibiki what happened to you, you look like kan… uh I mean those valkyries.

Little girl: you look cool onee-chan.

Hibiki: Y/n look out!!

Hibiki charged at Y/n to punch the noise behind him.

Y/n: thanks but I'm not letting you have all the glory.

Y/n put his driver against his waist and took out the joker memory, pushing its button.

Joker memory: joker!!!

Y/n: henshin!

Y/n put the joker memory in the driver and opened it

Driver: joker!!!(joker medley)

Little girl: onii-chan looks scary.

While the little girl said those words, she hid herself behind hibiki.

Joker: why do I look scary and she looks cool?

Hibiki: so that's why you screamed my name two years ago.

Joker: sorry to keep this a secret from you, but first let's protect the girl from the noise.

(Insert song: Gekisō Gungnir)

As joker punched a few of the noise back hibiki started to sing. Grabbing the girl she jumped of the silo.

Hibiki: what?

Hibiki then started to fall towards the ground landing nice and easy.

Joker: hibiki! Look out!

The noise jumped of the silo towards hibiki closely followed by joker. Then they started to shoot at hibiki.

Joker: watch out!

Whilst joker was destroying some of the noise hibiki jumped out of the way crash landing in another silo where she grabbed onto while holding the little girl.

Joker: hibiki! where are you going?

Hibiki: I-I don't know.

A giant noise suddenly came from behind the silo an smacking into it with his fist, luckily hibiki let go just in time.

One of the small noise then jumped at hibiki. In a reflective motion hibiki pushed the noise, turning it in carbon.

Hibiki: did I do that?

(End song)

Then hibiki heard the sound of an engine nearing.

It was tsubasa riding a bike, she rode past hibiki before jumping of the bike landing gracefully next to hibiki and letting the bike crash into the giant noise.

kamen rider double x senki zesshou symphogear (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now