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We won't forget about the disclaimer. This is from my point of view and nothing is based on research or any literature. This is just my idea of the world and I don't say it is truth.

Somewhere I have red a sad article about a man. He was old and unhappy. So he decided to go. He had left a goodbye letter, which said: "I am going to walk to a certain bridge and if no one smiles at me, I will jump."
In the end. He was found dead. 
It touched me in a certain way, because the point ain't to smile at everybody. But it is to open, becuse if you get an eye contact with someone, you will see wheather the desire to smile and have no strenght for it.
So please, look around. Thats all.

With this, I am trying to open your eyes, so you can see how did the "smile" degraded. It is sad, that we don't smile anymore. Share the smile and don't expect anything. The same way smile back and don't make any predictions.
I feel judged if I smile in the open. I do it, because I don't care that someone might think that I am crazy. I am smiling, because I feel like smiling and I want to share it. I want to see you smile. No matter who you are.

And there we come to the first stopping thought. "He/She is going to think that I like him/her." And so I will try to hide from his/her sight. So I am invisible, so no one has any ideas. Yes, I do realize this is more for women than men. Because we, men, expect every slight movement in ours direction as they beeing fond of us. And that is causing that the "free", careless girls/women get so much attention. Its because they don't care about creating thoughts and making ideas of anything. They just act freely and that makes them wanted. Even though it is they, who are not looking for anybody.

And so. The smile is beeing denied by ourselves, no matter what. It stays back with eyes lying on the ground.
This reminds me of a quote I wrote years ago. I was about 14.
"Don't look down, because you will forget how beautiful is the sky.
Don't look up, because you might miss step and fall.
Look in the eyes of those, who walk by. In those eyes, there is eveything hidden to be reveled."

I could continue writing about smile, but everything is connected and so everything is here, you just have to look for it.

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